Thursday, September 10, 2015

City On Fire - The Hits Keep Coming

The six Baltimore City cops who were arrested for the death of Freddie Gray were dealt yet another blow this morning when it was announced that they would stand trial right here in Baltimore. This of course, comes just a couple of days after Gray's family was awarded a $6.4 million settlement from the city.

I'm not sure how it's going to be possible to find an impartial jury in Baltimore for this trial. I mean, who hasn't heard about this case? And more concerning, who hasn't formed an opinion already?

The protesting, albeit on a relatively small scale, has already started during the pre-trial motions. I would expect the momentum to pick up as we getting closer to the actual trial date in October. When that time comes, expect to see spontaneous disruptions in the downtown area, especially around the courthouse. And with all of the commotion going on outside, do you really think that the jury will simply be able to ignore it?

Another negative effect of having the trial in Baltimore is the imminent threat of violence if something doesn't go the protesters' way. If word comes out that one of the cops is likely to be acquitted, the protesters will threaten to burn the city down. I don't see a jury overlooking that scenario. Even after all of these years, the aftermath of the Rodney King case still lingers. And with all of the gas that the Mayor and company have thrown on the Freddie Gray case, Baltimore City is a potential powder-keg. That will inevitably be in the back of the jurors minds as they decide on the fate of the individual cops.

And what about the potential of juror intimidation? I guess there's a possibility that the jurors will be sequestered, but what if they aren't? I would expect the identities of the jurors to be kept secret but happens if this stuff gets leaked out?

I keep hear the chants of "No Justice, No Peace" but the last time I checked, the protesters have pretty gotten everything they wanted. Six cops have been arrested and are about to go on trial, the Gray's have been a awarded with the Mega-Millions and the trial will take place in Baltimore. The "system" is currently working exactly as you wanted. So, will you please shut the f*ck up and let the process take it's due course?


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