Saturday, March 29, 2014

Celebrity Look-alikes

Almost everyone has a celebrity look-alike. At some point of your life, someone has likely come up to you and asked, "Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like _____?" Having long hair as a teenager, I was told that I looked like guitarist, Pat Travers. A few friends also said that I resembled punk rocker, Johnny Ramone. Aside from similar haircuts, I never quite got that one. In more recent years, I've heard that I resemble Mark Furman, the infamous LAPD detective from the O.J. Simpson trial. And my dear ol' Aunt Agnes used to say that I resembled Jim Palmer. Since that seems to be the most flattering, I think I'll stick with it...

Of course, every guy wants to hear that he resembles Brad Pitt while women probably like to hear that they look like Scarlett Johansson. But for most of us, that's not usually the case.

Sometimes, the celebrity resemblances take a strange direction. For instance, I know one woman who looks like Dog The Bounty Hunter's wife. But I know another woman who looks like Dog himself. How would it sound if someone walked up to her and said, "Hey, has anyone ever told you that you look like Dog The Bounty Hunter?" This would be like asking, "Have you gained weight?"

Years ago, my sister had a group of friends that included a guy who resembled Gilligan from Gilligan's Island. In fact, whenever anyone referred to him, they called him Gilligan. So, one night, a bunch of us are out at a bar. As I prepare to order the next round of drinks, I look over to "Gilligan" and ask, "Hey Gilligan, what are you drinking?"

My sister hears this and gives me the "WTF" look. Meanwhile, Gilligan stares at me but doesn't answer my question. Assuming that he didn't hear me, I say, "Come on, Gilligan. You're holding up the line. What do you want to drink?" For some reason, my follow-up question brings subtle laughter from the rest of the group.

Meanwhile, my sister's WTF look instantly changes into a "If I had a knife, I'd stab you in the eye" look. And this causes me to give her the WTF look. I was really confused. So, I walk over to her and ask, "What's going on? Am I missing something here?"

She says, "Why do you have to be such a dick?"

Very confused, I ask, "What the hell are you talking about? I'm a dick for buying a round of beers?"

She gives me a nasty look and says, "Why do you keep calling Larry Gilligan?"

"Who the hell is Larry?", I respond, feeling like I'm in an episode of The Twilight Zone.

"He's is the guy that everyone calls Gilligan. But he doesn't like it, so no one says it to his face." she informs me. Like I'm supposed to know this? She was acting like I called the guy Hitler. But from then on, just to keep the peace, I never called him Gilligan. At least not to his face...

So, if you ever see someone who looks like someone famous, you might want to think twice before you tell 'em about it....


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