Thursday, May 26, 2016

Defensive Driving in the 'Hood

Through the years, I have found myself driving thorough bad parts of the of the city. While it can be quite unsettling at times, your chances of survival dramatically increase if you stay one step ahead of the bad guys. I have put together a list of preventive measures to take if you find yourself in a similar situation.

First off, I don't care how tough of a guy you are, you're gonna a be like a fish out of water when you're outnumbered 20-1 in a hostile environment. And if you venture in the lion's den and find yourself on the receiving end of an urban beat-down, unlike the old days, no one is going to intervene when you've "had enough". The assault could leave you permanently damaged or dead. So, unless you're backed into a corner with absolutely no other option, let's just try to avoid the situation.

So, let's get started....

When you're driving through a shitty neighborhood, you have to envision yourself as a shark. If you stop "swimming", you might expire. So, the first objective is to avoid stopping. If you find yourself approaching a red light, decrease your speed so it takes longer to get there, Hopefully, by the time you get to the light, it will be turning green. However, if you can't avoid stopping, try to leave enough space in front of you for a quick exit if things happen to go south.

(It probably goes without saying that you're doors should be locked and windows should be up)

Another key thing to keep in mind is that you'll want to avoid eye contact with any of the locals. Although you definitely want to survey your surroundings, people in the hood don't take too kindly to people looking at them. I can't really figure it out but they view this as a sign of "disrespect". Of course, they see nothing disrespectful when they shout "What the f*ck you lookin' at, mutha-f*cker?" Don't even attempt to understand it. Just try to avoid it.

When you're in places like Baltimore, follow the mayor's lead and "give them room to destroy", For instance, if you happen to see someone littering or urinating in the middle of the street, just ignore it (If you would like a detailed example of this type of thing, please read my blog entitled "It's Raining on Eutaw Street"*). Confronting the individuals in these situations can only end one way for you: bad. So, keep moving along...

Occasionally, you'll be approached by someone trying to shake you down. For example, while sitting at red lights, I've been approached by people with a wide variety of bullshit stories. But they all have one thing in common, they want your money. So, while they may not be jacking you up with a gun to your head, they're goal is the same. Don't get sucked into their game.

As a result of the red-light solicitors, your path may occasionally be impeded. Some of these ass-clowns will walk between moving traffic as the light turns green. And they would love nothing more than for you to bump them. At that point, they'll put on an Academy Award-worthy performance and claim that they're in critical condition. The next thing you know, they're in touch with some ambulance-chasing lawyer and they're trying to sue you blind. Make a serious effort to avoid making contact with these guys. However, if you do, try to bribe the guy with a bottle of Boone's Farm. If it works, it will be a cheap way out of a bad situation.

And with my last piece of advice, I'll share a personal experience......

My advice is quite simple: beware of roaming pit bulls. I had one run into the side of my car several years ago while driving through the 'hood. At first, I thought someone had thrown a brick at my car. Instinctively, I stopped the car and got out to investigate. As I looked at the small dent in the back rear quarter-panel, I noticed a disoriented pit bull under a nearby tree. Decked out in a fresh wife-beater, one of the residents quickly approached me. At first, I figured that he was the owner and was coning to defend the dog's honor. The adrenaline started to flow and I impulsively assumed a defensive position. If the guy made an aggressive move, I figured I could pop him first and then jump in my car and roll out while he was shaking off the cob webs. Duking it out with the guy wasn't a viable option. If he didn't kick my ass, there would soon be people coming out of the woodwork who certainly would.

Well, as the guy got closer, he didn't appear to be too threatening. As I let my guard down, he informed me that this particular pit bull belonged to the reverend of a nearby church. He told me that the dog was "bat-shit crazy" and that he would be fine. I glanced over and saw the dog still laying under the tree. As he stared back at me, the thought of a disoriented "bat-shit crazy" pit-bull charging at me raced through my mind. The guy in the wife-beater interrupted my daydream and told me that he would check on the dog and follow up with the reverend. I thanked him and then got safely out of Dodge.

Hopefully, you won't find yourself in any of these situations. But if you do, hopefully after reading this, you're a little more prepared....



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