Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hang In There, Arizona

My sympathies today go out to Governor Jan Brewer and all of the (legal) citizens of Arizona. Although the majority of the people actually want to do something about the illegal immigration problem, the liberal wing of the federal government has a much different agenda.

So, hours before the new Arizona immigration law was to go into effect, US District Judge Susan Bolton blocked the most “controversial” parts of the law. So, illegals will now NOT have to carry any immigration papers and they WILL be able to legally hunt for work in public places WITHOUT proper identification.

In addition, police officers will NOT be required to determine the immigration status of anyone arrested or detained. Are you kidding me? Whose side are these people on??

Essentially, what’s happened here is that the Feds have taken all of the teeth out of the recently passed Arizona law. But I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. If the federal government would have been have been enforcing the immigration laws in the first place, Arizona wouldn’t have felt the need to act.

Judge Bolton’s decision was, no doubt, influenced by the Obama administration’s opposition to the state law. Sadly, while the people of Arizona are trying to secure their southern border, the only thing that Obama is trying to secure is the Hispanic vote in the upcoming elections.

Although this latest injunction is being viewed as a victory for Hispanics, I really have to question it. I mean, what about all of the Hispanic people that got in line and did what they were supposed to do? I’m talking about the ones who became US citizens legally. Is it a victory for them? What incentive does this give to future immigrants to follow the rules?

If a police officer stops me in Arizona and asks to see my identification, should I just refuse and say “no digo el ingles?” What’s he going to do, throw me in jail and risk being accused of racially profiling? In a society where exaggerated civil rights accusations trump effective law enforcement, how can the cops possibly be expected to do their jobs? Hey, here’s an idea. How about we let the cops profile lawbreakers?

When will the nonsense end????

It’s almost like Obama and crew are promoting lawlessness! In between vacations and golf outings, maybe the Prez should spend a little time at the Arizona/Mexican border to witness, firsthand, the source of all the commotion. Of course, that’s just a thought…..

Somehow this whole thing is being turned around on the people who actually care about this country. And predictably, the libs are once again falling back on the race card in order to take focus off of the real issue. Come on, isn’t this race bullshit getting a little old? Just because people want something done about illegal immigration, it doesn’t make them racist. It makes them concerned American citizens, you silly bastards!

Is it really asking too much for immigrants to carry some form of identification such as a green card or a student/work visa? Is it that much different than the rest of us carrying our driver’s license or social security card? What’s the big deal? Hey look at it this way, if you’re not breaking the law, you’ll have no problems. So if the nice policeman asks to see your ID, just show it to him and don’t give him any lip! (For the non-English speakers out there…... muéstreselo y no déle ningún labio!)

This is our country we’re talking about here. At what point are we going to get serious about protecting it? The borders must be secured!

To the people of Arizona, all I can say is hang in there. Even though the current administration might not be looking out for you, the majority of America is on your side! Election Day is right around the corner and in November we will begin to take our country back!



  1. Ken, why would they want to stop anything having to do with illegal immigration? More illegals mean more votes. It really doesn't matter if their legal or not. ACORN is there to make sure of that. When I've gone to jobs before they've asked to see my Social Security Card, I've thought nothing of it. It was their way of making sure I was able to work here. I thought they had to do this because of some law. Guess I was wrong.

    You're exactly right in what example this sets for future generations coming across the border but what about future generations of state lawmakers? What does this say to them? Go ahead and make all the laws you want but if the president doesn't like them, he can pressure a judge to strike down the parts he doesn't like.

    Once again you read the papers, look at the polls, and ask the citizens of the State of Arizona and their is overwhelming SUPPORT of this law. But once again our lawmakers are pandering to a small but vocal, portion of the population. We've seen it in the past, if we don't kowtow to them, we get riots, protests, boycotts, etc.. They know how to work the system because they've been doing it for years and will continue to do so because they're allowed to do it. They have groups like FAIR, CASA de Maryland or whereever, backing them and putting lots of pressure on lawmakers. We give them taxpayer dollars in MD for community centers and lots of other things. Why stop if something works for you?

  2. Shame on the judge Arizona has a right to protect the citizens of thier great state their have been to many kidnappings and murders Arizona has to inforce the law on all citizens white black brown are purple please inforce the law on all

  3. Well said, I wish more people would openly admit their feelings. I would hope one day the liberal idiots realize what they are doing to this nation and what they are taking away from the legal citizens. I feel the the US has no more morals or values left. This nation is looking like ONE big joke to the other nations.One nation that was so respected and feared is now a nation that is against their own citizens!
