Tuesday, April 28, 2015

City On Fire - The Rock Deluge

Yesterday, police were tipped off via social media sites that a group of West Baltimore high school students were planning to "purge" Mondawmin Mall. In other words, they were organizing a looting trip.

The police, dressed in riot gear, set up in front of the approaching high school students. You might think that the image of the large group of cops would have intimidated the teenagers. But instead, they appeared to be absolutely fearless. In an instant, they began to hurl bricks and large rocks at the police. And similar to what we saw on Saturday night, the cops stood down and took the deluge of heavy projectiles. At times, amazingly, the teenagers had the cops retreating! 

Once again, the police were being used as target practice. And it was all being broadcast across the country on live TV. I can't imagine how frustrated these cops must have been. They were thrown into a fight with both hands tied behind their backs. I know that there are rules of engagement in combat situations, but this was f*cking ridiculous

Later, the police commissioner explained the passive approach by saying that these were "kids". This might be true. But when a 16-year-old "kid" hits a cop in the head with a brick, he automatically assumes adult status in my opinion! I saw one cop, who had obviously reached his limit, hurl a rock back at the kids. It wouldn't surprise me if he gets reprimanded for it.

As I'm watching these undisciplined teens having a field day at the cops' expense, I couldn't help but wonder where the hell the parents were. This assault was being broadcast across every news channel on the dial. You mean to tell me that not one parent recognized that their kid was out there? If my kid was out there doing that shit and I saw it, I would have immediately dropped whatever I was doing and headed to the scene to put a foot up his ass!

And here's something else.....if this planned "purge" was broadcast all over social media, why wasn't the school alerted? Or were they? Perhaps the school administrators could have addressed the situation before it boiled over?

I also saw a TV camera man get sucker punched by one of these "kids". He had to be transported to the hospital.

Tear gas was eventually used by police to break up the crowd. But not before several officers were injured, one of which was knocked unconscious. Will the police ever be allowed to defend themselves? Unfortunately, we're gonna have more opportunities to find out.....

                                                        (to be continued)


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