Wednesday, April 29, 2015

City On Fire - The Tempest

After taking on a deluge of bricks from the Douglas High School students, the police moved over to the area of Pennsylvania and North Ave. A growing number of angry protesters were already gathered in the middle of the intersection. It didn't long before the first bottle was thrown at the police line. And this was the catalyst that led to the shit hitting the fan.

Once again, the police were showered with hard objects. And unlike the previous assault, this one consisted of mostly adults. A source told me that the initial plan was to send the city troops out here without riot gear. And you want to know why? Because the riot gear would be to intimating to the rioters! I'm glad smarter heads intervened because if these cops were out there without head protection and shields, massive injuries would have been inevitable. Basically, the cops would have been helpless victims of a public stoning.

The cops marched forward as the angry mob seemed to retreat. However, when they started moving, they also began to vandalize and loot businesses on the main street. Amazingly, they were allowed to have free reign over these properties without any resistance from the police. I was told that this was part of the plan. Basically, the word was "give the protesters room to destroy". If they wanted to burn a few police cars, no problem, just let them do it.

Well, things quickly escalated beyond the burning police cars. Before long, buildings were being set on fire. When the fire department eventually showed up, just like the cops, they too were pelted with bricks. And when fireman attached the hoses to the hydrants, thugs began to cut the hoses with sharp knives. I had never seen anything like this!

Within a couple hours, it was total chaos! Random looting, multiple building fire and smoke-filled streets eerily transformed Baltimore into third world country. A cop, who was on the scene, later described it to me as a scene form the movie Black Hawk Down. As the cops made their way through the west Baltimore area, they were greeted with a fresh barrage of rocks and more fires at each intersection.

The cops, desperately trying to defend themselves without intimidating the rioters, were fighting a lost cause. Once again, they were forced into battle with both hands tied behind their backs.

Eventually, the Mayor called the Governor for assistance. And the plans were immediately made to engage the National Guard. The random acts of violence occurred into the witching hour but thankfully, things eventually quieted down. A few reporters pointed out that many of the thugs were probably drunk from all of the liquor they looted. Nonetheless, most of the city drifted off to sleep as the firemen and police worked into the morning......

                                                           (to be continued)


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