Monday, March 21, 2016

City Dirtbike Park Marches On

The geniuses in Baltimore City are now on a "fact-finding" mission to try to set up a safe place for law-breaking dirt-bikers to safely ride their motor bikes. Of course, this latest push comes shortly after Ravens' cornerback, Tray Walker, was killed in a dirt-bike accident in Florida. (I feel bad that the guy died. But WTF was he thinking? Riding a dirt bike on a city street with no lights and wearing dark clothes....that's a disaster waiting to happen.)

So, the search for a dirt bike park continues. One of the more "compelling" reasons that the park needs to be built is because outlawing the riding on city streets hasn't worked. One of the dirt-bikers explained that the bikers want "a safe place to ride without being chased".*

The leadership of Baltimore is laughable at best. Instead of cracking down on bad behavior, they're choosing to reward it. This is just another example of why Baltimore is a lost cause. Crime will continue to spiral out of control because laws have been reduced to mere suggestions. Further emboldening the criminals, the cops in the city have been vilified by the very "leaders" who are supposed to support them.

With this type of mentality, you have to wonder what's next. Will city "leaders" designate certain street corners as drug-friendly zones where drug-slingers can distribute their product without fear of "harassment" by the police? And depending on who wins the next mayoral election, maybe they'll open a safe place where you can redeem stolen gifts cards?

Baltimore has truly become a place where the inmates are running the asylum. While most find the idea of a bike park ridiculous, the city "leaders" will beat their chests and move forward as if they'll doing something productive for the community. What do you think will become of the bike park? Does anyone really think that this will curb the reckless disregard for the law? Hell, no. But still, they'll march forward with the "build it and they will come" illusion.



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