Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let's Make A Deal

So, it appears that the day had finally arrived for the House to vote on the healthcare bill. Obama has spent the past week making stump speeches as if the Presidential campaign is still on. (Actually, Obama has never stopped making campaign speeches!) And today, Nancy Pelosi is no doubt frantically try to secure any last minute votes among fellow Democrats.

My gut feeling is after some arm twisting and other back room deals by Princess Nancy, the bill will pass by one vote. Many House Democrats will ignore the wishes of their constituents and instead they’ll tow the party line and vote for the government takeover of the healthcare business. And, of course, when they’re thrown out on their asses by the voters in November, they’ll wonder what happened.

From most polls that I’ve seen, the majority of Americans do not want a government run healthcare system. Not surprising since most Americans believe in a limited government. Unfortunately, Obama and crew see things a different way. They want the government involved in every aspect of your life. They believe that the government, not you, knows what’s best for you.

I personally think that government run healthcare is a terrible idea on many levels. Not the least of which is that the government has shown a history of inefficiency at anything it runs. Medicare is a microcosm of what the Obama proposed healthcare plan will look like. Medicare is paying out more money that it takes in now, and it only covers senior citizens! And now we’re going to open it up to the whole country and trust the government to effectively run another twenty percent of the American economy??? Am I crazy for predicting that that this will not work?

From another angle, I also feel that this is a backdoor way for Obama to put private insurance companies out of business. Think about it. How can companies like Blue Cross or United Healthcare ever compete with a competitor (the US government) that never has to make a profit?

And small businesses will likely suffer too, as they will be forced to provide healthcare for their employees or pay a hefty fine. This will likely backfire as these companies will wind up laying off employees or closing up shop. I don’t understand why Democrats have such an issue with people making money. After all, isn’t working hard and becoming successful part of the American dream? Everyone can’t be on welfare!

I think that this is all part of liberals ultimate plan to transform the US into a socialist nation. It doesn’t matter what the majority of Americans want. Like I mentioned before, liberals feel that the government can run your life better than you. You should just sit back and do as you’re told! Many Americans (especially those who are financially dependent on the government generation after generation) don’t have a problem with this. They just take whatever entitlements come their way and then ask for more. However, the majority of working class Americans see things a different way!

Pray for the future of our country. We’re going to need all of the help we can get……..


1 comment:

  1. I have been watching all this unfold all day today on Fox, the selfish, spineless, unprincipled, self-serving, corrupt Congressmen caving in to the promises, the bribes, the lies from the most corrupt president in our history, the pro-life anti-abortion Congressmen actually believing his lies, believing that his worthless Executive Order will actually correct their objections to the bill, has brought me literally to tears -- for me, for us, for our once wonderful country . . .
    May God help us all.

