Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 45 - The Spill Continues

Alright, now we’re into day 45 and the oil is still gushing into the gulf. Recent efforts by BP have continued to be unsuccessful. The “top kill” method last week was useless. And yesterday’s attempt to cut through the vertical oil pipe ended with the saw getting stuck. The good news is that the pipe was eventually cut with a pair of “shears” (where can I get a pair of those??). The bad news is that now the oil is blowing out of the open pipe like an underwater smokestack.

And predictably, President Obama continues to distance himself from the situation. When not reminding us that it’s BP’s fault, the President found some time to relax in Chicago and listen to Paul McCartney at the White House. The Messiah serenaded the First Lady with the Beatles classic song, Michelle. I guess now that the original love story is over between Tipper and Al, the Obama’s win by default? (By the way, McCartney took the opportunity to do a little Bush bashing. Basically saying that the former President doesn’t know what a library is. Hey Paul, just shut up and sing asshole!)

So, the Obama's partied while the situation in the Gulf grew dire. Balls of oil were floating towards Florida. And some experts say that the oil slick could reach the east coast within weeks.

People are growing increasingly impatient with Obama’s lackadaisical attitude towards the spill. The Ragin’ Cajun himself, James Carville, blasted Obama recently. As he said, “people are dyin’ down here”! (Hmmm, sounds a little like what we heard during Hurricane Katrina. Can you imagine Bush having a sing-along with Sir Paul during that one?)

Even film director Spike Lee has urged the Prez to stop being so calm and collected. He says it’s time to “go off!” That’s right! You tell ‘em, Spike!

And although not for the same reasons, media whore Jesse Jackson has also chimed in. He’s suggested that we boycott BP. What’s wrong Super Jesse? Did BP not fulfill their minority hiring quota for the month? Seriously, how is any of this going to help anything? Many BP gas stations are privately owned. If we boycott them, the small business owner feels the brunt of the pain.

In his defense, earlier in the week, Obama did indeed send someone from the administration down the Gulf region. Attorney General Eric Holder took the trip south, but not to help with the efforts or anything. He was just going to down to see if there were any grounds to pursue criminal charges against the BP folks. Yeah, this should really help them concentrate on stopping the leak. Hurry up and plug up the leak so you can go to jail!

And there have even been rumblings about the government taking over BP. Wow, from the recent government takeover of the banking and auto industries, as well as the healthcare system, I never saw this one coming! (By the way, isn’t BP a British owned company? So, how could the US government take it over even if it wanted to?)

But honestly, do you really think that the Feds want to be involved in this mess? The minute they take it over, it becomes their problem. Sorry, but our government’s ability to solve problems makes me a little less than optimistic.

So, there will be another attempt to cap the oil leak in the next day or so. If it actually works is anyone’s guess. We can only hope so. Then we can finally move on to the next phase: the massive clean up………


1 comment:

  1. The only leadership in this whole mess has come from Gov. Jindal, and the administration is now stonewalling him. Any blame for this thing goes directly to the "greenies" who have prevented drilling in shallower water which would be much easier to control an accident such as this,they have prevented burning off the oil in the early hours and days of the explosion, and they prevented the use of chemical dispersants. And BO will use this disaster to promote his cap and tax agenda. God help us all, and most especially everyone on the Gulf coast.

