Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Selective Outrage

Well, it looks like George Zimmerman is going to be charged with something after all. Second degree murder is what Zimmerman is now facing.With all of the public scrutiny and the pressure from the civil rights crowd, I think we all saw this coming.

But there are some recent developments surrounding the case that I find a bit troubling. For instance, the town of Sanford, FL had started to prepare for potential unrest in the event that Zimmerman was ultimately not charged. This was no doubt being fueled the by the race hustlers who continue to claim that Trayvon Martin was targeted because of his skin color.

But here's my problem. Even if Zimmerman wasn't charged, why would it be acceptable or even encouraged to burn the city down? How would that possibly help anything? It certainly wouldn't bring Trayvon Martin back. In fact, it could possibly get others needlessly hurt or even killed if things really got out of hand. But nonetheless, Al Sharpton and company continue to beat "No Justice No Peace" drum.

As I've said before, I am indeed sorry that a teenage boy died. And my heart goes out to his family. But we need to let the justice system do it's job.. When the trial is over and if Zimmerman is found not guilty, we'll just have to accept it and move on. Some may have an issue with it, and I understand that. But I can't help but wonder how many of these same people had no issue when OJ Simpson was found not guilty of a double murder even though the overwhelming evidence was against him? As a society, we need to be more objective on these matters instead of automatically aligning ourselves with a particular skin color. I don't know, maybe we should be appalled at all unprovoked violence? Sounds like a good idea to me.....

But I don't expect it to happen as long as we've got race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton pushing their brand of selective outrage. In one of his latest incendiary moves, Jackson has asked blacks to wear hoodies to polling places during this year's election season. This guy has done far more harm than good for race relations in this country. If he and Reverend Al just went away, I think there would be a much better chance that blacks and whites could one day gather around the campfire and sing Kumbaya. But Jesse and Al work to keep racial tensions high because it's what they sell. And sadly, right now business is good.

And what is the with the sudden fascination with the hoodie? Almost everyone I know owns one. Hell, I have one myself! So, why has the hoodie now become the symbol of black oppression? I really don't think that wearing  a hoodie into polling places, political meetings or churches is going to do one bit of good to help ease racial tensions. 

Here are some recent events that have drawn attention as a result of the Trayvon Martin case:
  • In Toledo, Ohio, a 78-year-old man was robbed and beaten up by a group of black youths. During the assault, they shouted, "Kill that white man! This is for Trayvon!" 
  • A group of blacks brutally assaulted a 27-year-old white man in Gainsville, FL. Prior to the beating they yelled, "Trayvon!" Local police believe that the attack was racially motivated. 
  • Al Sharpton has called for civil disobedience and an "occupation" in Sanford if George Zimmerman is not arrested. Attorney General Eric Holder praised Sharpton earlier today at the National Action Network convention.
  • In Baltimore, a young white man was assaulted by a group of blacks right in front of a downtown courthouse (my understanding is this actually happened on St. Patrick's Day). One member of the group sucker punched the guy causing him to fall backwards and hit his head on the concrete pavement. While the victim was semi-conscious, several members of the group robbed him and stripped off his clothes. Others watched and laughed. One member of the group videotaped the entire event and posted in on a hip hop website. Police are currently investigating. Although all of the perpetrators were black and the victim was white, the Baltimore Police Commissioner has said that it "doesn't appear to be a hate crime".
  • On Saturday, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, five blacks were randomly shot (three died)  around the city by what was described as a "white guy in a pick up truck". Two white men have since been arrested and it's looking like it will be treated as a hate crime. 
  • At Ohio State University, someone painted "Long Live Zimmerman" on the black cultural center. 
  • An armed Neo-Nazi group has begun to patrol areas of Sanford in preparation to the reaction of the George Zimmerman decision.
  • An NBC producer was fired for editing George Zimmerman's 911 recording in an effort to make Zimmerman seem "more racist".
  • Actor Bill Cosby has said that we need to get the guns out of hands of neighborhood watchmen.
  • The New Black Panthers have called for a race war and bloodshed in reaction to the killing of Trayvon Martin. "Suit Up and Boot Up" is their new rally cry.
  • A member of George Zimmerman's family has reportedly sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder asking for hate crime charges to be brought against the Black Panthers for the bounty that they put out on Zimmerman. Members of the Zimmerman family remain in hiding, fearing for their safety. There has been no response from the Department of Justice. This has many whites speculating that Holder is failing to act against the Black Panthers because he himself is black.
  • An unarmed Hispanic man was shot dead by a black male at an Arizona Taco Bell. The shooter is claiming self-defense and has not been arrested.
  • Reverend Jeremiah Wright recently gave a speech where he said, among other controversial things, that white supremacy is driving global policy.
  • Someone shot the windows out of a Sanford police car near the scene of the Trayvon Martin shooting.
  • Photos of Trayvon Martin with the word "Revenge" written across them were attached to mailboxes in Franklin, Wisconsin
No doubt, there are plenty off knuckleheads to go around. And they come in all colors. But for whatever reason, it does seem that certain cases get more attention than others. We should feel equally outraged when anyone is the victim of senseless violence. What difference does it make if the victim is black or white? Picking and choosing according to what might fit one's agenda does nothing but divide people and create unwanted tension.  Until this nonsense stops, we'll never become the post-racial America that we all hope for.....


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