Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-fil-A - A Convenient Target?

On most days, gay marriage and fast food have very little in common. But Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's recent comments opposing gay marriage has created quite the firestorm. Many liberals immediately branded Cathy's comments "hate speech" and have called for a boycott of the popular fast food restaurant. Taking a different view, conservatives have applauded Cathy for voicing his opinion and staying true to his Christian values.

Even though I've heard of planned boycotts, they sure don't seem to be gaining much ground. Since the Cathy's controversial comments, the predictably long lines at Chick-fil-A seem to be even longer. And today, being "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day", the lines were backed up to the door and cars in the drive-thru lanes were completely wrapped around the building.

I can understand why some people would have an issue with Cathy's anti-gay marriage remarks. He's a devout Christian who doesn't approve of homosexuality. Ok, I get that. But what I don't get, is how Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A are being targeted in this whole thing. Is Cathy the only person or group who has publicly voiced opposition to gay marriage? I don't think so.....

When Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed the same-sex marriage bill into law earlier this year, it was met with large opposition which resulted in the bill making it's way to a referendum vote in November. Some of the strongest opposition came from Maryland's black community. And on a larger scale, in reaction to President Obama's recent support for gay marriage there is a push by the Coalition of African-American Pastors to oppose same-sex marriage. The president and founder of the coalition, Rev. Williams Owens was recently quoted as saying, "I am ashamed that the first black President chose this road, a disgusting road."* I believe the man has a right to say what he feels, but is anyone coming out to protest him or his coalition?? 

And let's look at Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. In an effort to block the opening of a local Chick-fil-A, he said said that the restaurant chain didn't have "Chicago values". Keep in mind that this is coming from the same guy who campaigned for Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama when they both opposed gay marriage. And Emanuel even stayed on as Clinton's adviser even after Clinton signed the (anti-gay) Defense of Marriage Act into law. Where was his outrage then?

Now, looking at this from yet another angle, if liberals feel compelled to boycott Chick-fil-A for opposing gay marriage, should conservatives boycott businesses that openly support it. For instance, CEO Jeff Bezos recently gave $2.5 million to a campaign to support Washington's same-sex marriage law. Should we expect to see Christian groups organizing protests against the online retailer? 

In retaliation for the today's Appreciation Day, gay advocate groups are calling for a "kiss-in" at Chick-fil-A restaurants this Friday where same-sex couples are encourages to show public displays of affection inside the restaurants. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to see any couple, gay or straight, making out while I'm trying to eat my Number One with a Diet Dr. Pepper.....


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