Friday, March 1, 2013

Horse Meat - Coming To A Restaurant Near You?

Lately, there seems to be a lot of stories surfacing about horse-meat being found in American food. A week or so ago, Swedish furniture giant Ikea discovered that there was horse-meat being served in some of it's cafeterias. No surprise, it was found in the Swedish meatballs.

Earlier today, it was reported that Taco Bell also found evidence of Secretariat in some of their Chalupas. It's one thing to mix a little horse-meat in with the meatballs. But when you drop some on the Nachos Belle Grande, people get a little jumpy.

Surprisingly, consuming horse-meat in itself doesn't really seem to be that big of a deal. Some countries, notably China, actually consume quite a bit of the stuff. In 2005, China consumed roughly 1.7 million horses. And all these years I thought that stray-cat was the mystery meat in the Triple Delight. And believe it or not, Mexico makes up the second largest nation of horse eaters. Hmmm, maybe that Taco-Bell thing isn't so surprising....

Of course, the consumption of horse-meat is viewed as taboo in most countries, including America. After all, horses are a symbol of power. The basic measurement of power is even gauged in "horsepower".  And we can't ignore that American heroes like the Lone Ranger and John Wayne rode their trusty horses into the sunset. Horses are also viewed as companions, similar to dogs. And they're known as sporting animals as well. Maybe I'm crazy, but it's just hard for me to garner up an appetite for an animal that I just watched haul ass down the home stretch of the Kentucky Derby. I think I'll just stick with much slower, but superior tasting, pig or cow.

Many cultures are simply opposed to the meat because horses aren't ruminants. What is a ruminant, you ask? Basically, it's a mammal that regurgitates it's plant-based food and "rechews" it. This is supposed to break the food down further and stimulate digestion. This process is better known as "chewing the cud". Cattle, goats, sheep , deer and even koalas do it. But horses are just not into it. For the record, pigs are not ruminants either but they produce a helluva rack of baby-backs!

I think I'll just stick with McDonalds where the only mystery meat that I have to worry about is the pink slime......


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