Sunday, September 7, 2014

Illegal Immigration - Reform? What Reform?

This weekend, we learned that President Obama will delay taking executive action on immigration until after the mid-term elections. This comes after he promised, earlier this year, to issue broad directives on immigration reform by the end of the summer.

This delay is obviously a calculated politician move as fellow Democrats know that any decision on immigration could have a huge impact on the November elections. So, by basically sitting it out, they feel like their chances are better.

But is the President's latest broken promise the right move?

After all, there are countless illegal immigrants who are waiting to getting an official free pass from our President. While they call it "amnesty", it's actually nothing more than a reward to millions of people who have flagrantly ignored our border laws and waltzed into our country illegally. The United States is being invaded right before our eyes and our so-called leaders sit back and continue to do absolutely nothing. Instead of taking real action, they coddle the issue with ideas like "pathway to citizenship". With this type of "penalty" looming north of the border, is there any wonder why there's a flood of illegals spilling into California and Arizona every day?

I'm seriously expecting to see a time in the near future where they give each illegal immigrant and bag of cookies and $1000 in cash as they walk across the US border. Gracias, senor. Voy a tener otro!

Just this morning, I was reading an article in which California Governor Jerry Brown said that 30% of his state's school children are either undocumented or don't speak English. That almost one out three, for you mathematically challenged folks. If this trend continues, how long before there are more people speaking Spanish than English??

With the the Hispanic population continuing to boom, politicians from both parties are taking the preliminary steps to ensure that they secure their votes. Granting illegal Hispanics amnesty and issuing them a voter's card is the initial plan to set the hook. So, in a nutshell, our politicians are putting their respective parties before their country. But we continue to re-elect these traitors and allow them to create deviousness between us, the people.

So, are we delusional? Or are we simply foolish? In most cases, we'd be better off writing in Mickey Mouse as our candidate than voting for most of the assholes who ultimately get elected.

Every time Maryland Governor Martin Owe'Malley refers to illegal immigrants as "new Americans", I feel like throwing up. Not surprising, Owe'Malley will likely be on the 2016 ticket for President. As laughable as that might seem, in reality, his "new American" attitude on immigration will fit perfectly with what's going on in Washington right now.....


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