Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Mayor Goes To Paris

I just saw where Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is preparing for a trip to Paris. I thought this was kind of strange, What kind of advice could she possibly give the French people on terrorism? Her city has become a hotbed for urban terrorists ever since she gave the order to stand down last April. And it's likely to get worse with upcoming trials of the six police officers. Maybe the mayor will advise the French people to write out a million dollar checks to the terrorists.

Wait a minute....what was that? She's going to Paris for a climate change conference? Are you f*cking kidding me??

So, let me see if I've got this right. People are getting killed in Baltimore so rapidly that the funeral parlors are practically running out of embalming fluid. A group of Islamic terrorists killed more than 100 people in Paris just over a week ago. We're in the middle of a Syrian refugee crisis. There are countless travel warnings due to recent ISIS threats. Russia and Turkey are on the verge of kick starting World War III. And the mayor is going to France for a conference on climate change??

Do you think that maybe this might be a bad time?

Besides the questionable timing, the mayor is a lame duck at this stage of her illustrious career. Before long, she will be handing her position over the Grinch Who Stole The Gift Cards. Aside from possibly getting her hair and nails done, what can Rawlings-Blake possibly hope to accomplish in Paris?

And here's the most ironic thing about all of this. The mayor is going to leave Baltimore on a gas-guzzling jet to fly to another continent to discuss what we can do to save the planet. Hey just a thought....if you're trying to reduce our carbon footprints, maybe a video conference is a better choice than a ride on a 747. But since the tree-huggers like to blow smoke up my ass, I think I'll return the favor and fire up my Corvette. With any luck, I'll blow past a Prius or two....

By the way, where's Al Gore been? Maybe he can dim the lights in his mansion and fly over to join the gathering of meat-heads. But then again, he's probably too busy counting the money with his polar bears.

Some people might not know it but Baltimore's Mayor also happens to be the President of the US Conference of Mayors. I'm not really sure what the purpose of the conference of mayors is, but it seems to have some pretty good perks. If there's a conference of bloggers, I'd like to join. Perhaps I can score a trip to Octoberfest next year. And you can bet your ass that I won't be talking about climate change....


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