Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Day 2020

"Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today
Is a day of reckoning.
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay
It's Independence Day."
                                       - Martina McBride

As we prepare to celebrate America's 244th birthday, there's no doubt that this one will be a bit different. Along with with ongoing the COVID restrictions, we are also dealing with rebellious protests across the country.

Amazingly, on a day where we should all be coming together and celebrating the greatness of America, there will likely be crowds of people burning flags and trying to convince us that America's not so great. The first responders, who never get enough credit in my opinion, will be working hard to deal with the inevitable chaos that will ensue. These folks work hard and put their lives on the line every day for us. But still, there are calls to defund or even abolish the police departments around the country.

The division in our country today is heartbreaking. Yes, there is always room for improvement. But we should be working together instead of beating each other up. Maybe we should try to see what we have in common first. And then we can have a civil discussion on how to resolve our differences. One thing, hopefully, that we can all agree on is that we're all Americans. Let's start there and see where it goes....

Today, I will be relishing in the fact that I was born in the greatest country in the world. I will be thinking about all of the sacrifices that were made (and are continuing to be made) to make America what it is. If I happen to hear the Star Spangled Banner today, I will mentally transport myself back to 1814 where I will watch the fireworks with Francis Scott Key at Fort McHenry. I will also remember America's greatest generation for saving the world during the Second World War. I will remember our first responders who selflessly rushed into those Twin Towers on 9/11. And I will remember all of those great Americans who have ever worn the uniform of the US military. America is forever in your debt.

If you don't happen to agree with everything I've said, that's ok. After all, we're in America and it's our right to disagree. But as we move forward, don't ever give up on America. We've come too far to turn back now. Wishing all of my American brothers and sisters a very safe and happy July 4th!


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