Monday, May 24, 2010

The Big Spill

So, here we are, thirty-four days into the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. And it still doesn’t appear that anyone has a clue how to stop it. The blame game is usually reserved for the aftermath in situations like this. But with the monstrosity of this one, everyone is already going on the defensive and pointing the finger at someone else.

And, let’s face it, this is a no win situation. The Obama administration knows this. That’s why they’ve sat back and idly watched the multiple failed attempts by BP to plug the leak. Nothing good can come out of this, so not surprising,  the administration has conveniently distanced itself from it as long as possible (If Bush were in office, the media would have already tarred and feathered him. No pun intended.)  But like it or not, eventually someone is going to have to take control of this.

(On a side note, Obama received $77,000 in campaign contributions from BP. And you thought only Republicans were buddies with the oil companies?)

Some members of the Obama administration flew over the site of the spill earlier today. Afterwards, at the press conference, the blame game continued. All I heard was, “It’s BP’s fault. BP will be held responsible. BP will pay for the cleanup.” (Well, I guess they can’t blame Bush this time, so BP works just fine).

Ok, so it’s BP’s fault. I think we’ve got that. But let’s not loose sight of the fact that THE OIL IS STILL GUSHING OUT!!!! Will someone please do something before the whole freggin’ gulf coast is destroyed??? Call me selfish, but I love those “Maryland” blue crabs that come from Louisiana! I prefer mine with Old Bay, not Gulf Oil!!!

What blows my mind about this whole thing is that there didn’t seem to be any contingency plan in place. I mean, when the oil guys are sitting around having a few beers, don’t they ever say, “Hey man, what the hell would we do if we ever sprung a leak???” I would have to think that it came up at some point!

So, BP’s next attempt to stop the leak will involve shooting cement in to the hole. We’re being told the chance of success is sixty to seventy percent. For the sake of the gulf region, I hope it works!


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