Friday, May 21, 2010

Don't Tread On Arizona

So, here we go again! This time the Messiah has outdone himself. Instead of apologizing across the world on behalf of America, President Obama brings President Calderon (of Mexico) to the White House lawn for some good old fashioned Arizona bashing!

Will someone answer this for me? Why does Obama hate our country so much? It’s bad enough to be an apologist, but to stand next to a foreign leader on American soil and listen to him criticize our immigration laws is mind numbing! Ironically, Mexico has much tighter immigration laws than the United States. People coming into Mexico illegally on it’s southern border are likely to have their skulls cracked open by the Mexican Army. But did Obama ever even think about bringing that up? Hell, no! 

So, now we’re forced to listen to more bullshit from both Presidents about how racial profiling is going to run rampant and how civil liberties will inevitably be trampled upon as a result of the new Arizona immigration law. And even though there have been specific modifications to the Arizona law to prevent these types of things, it makes no difference. Because the most prominent critics of the bill haven’t even read it! In just the past week, the Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security admitted that they hadn’t read the bill. But they still go out and bash it! Yeah, that makes perfect sense! (By the way, the Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070 is only about sixteen pages long!)

On the issue of profiling, I am sick and tired of the race card being thrown into every controversial issue in this country. If we’re such a racist nation, how did a black man named Barrack Hussein Obama who grew up in Indonesia ever get elected to the highest office in the country? And how did a Lebanese immigrant named Rima Fakih win the 2010 Miss America contest?

Back to the point…...

Watching the Mexican President stand next to Obama and criticize one of our beloved states is infuriating! Come on Barrack, defend us for God’s sake!! I’m sorry, but a foreign leader shouldn't come onto American soil and criticize the way a state chooses to enforce their laws. Besides, it’s not like the Mexican government is a beacon of integrity. So, where does Caldron get off telling Arizona how to govern?

And if all of this wasn’t hard enough to take, yesterday Calderon addressed a joint session of Congress and continued to criticize Arizona’s immigration law. And most Democrats gave him standing ovation! Are you freggin' kidding me?? Who’s side are you guys on??

So, while hoards of Calderon’s people continue to illegally spill across the border into Arizona, the two Presidents still seem to think that Governor Jan Brewer is the “misguided” one. Hey, someone has to have the balls to deal with illegal immigration! And Obama is about as ballsy as a neutered cat, so count him out. He’s too worried about offending the ethnicity of the day and securing the Hispanic vote for his party.

And just think. We thought Jimmy Carter was a pussy! Obama makes the old peanut farmer look like Jack f*cking Bauer!


1 comment:

  1. Adding insult to injury, Napolitano and the head of ICE have said today that ICE is under no obligation, and may choose not to respond to any requests from Arizona to take custody of illegals.
    This crowd in Washington is beyond belief. The inmates truly are running the asylum !

