Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Proud American

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been watching the protests over the recent immigration bill in Arizona. And I still find the whole thing amazing. The protests themselves are hard enough to grasp. After all, isn’t the immigration bill only enforcing the existing federal law? So, why the sudden outrage? Could it possibly be because the illegal fence jumpers know that Arizona will actually enforce what the Feds should have been doing all along?

And while I’m watching the protesters hold up signs that condemn America, a light bulb goes off in my head. Hey, I’ll bet a good percentage of these protesters are here illegally. So, why doesn’t the INS or ICE show up and arrest them? Or at least ask for their ID? Oh, wait a minute, that would be racist wouldn’t it? Nevermind…..

And what really pisses me off is when I see Hispanics proudly waving their Mexican flag while being “offended” by an American flag. Let me ask you something, my disillusioned amigos. If you think Mexico is so much better that the US, why don’t you just climb back over the fence and go home? Why did you come here in the first place? You want all of the freedoms and luxuries of our society, but you don’t want to assimilate. Instead, you want to force your culture down our throats.

And what amazes me the most is when American citizens come to the aid of these law breakers. You silly liberal fools, what part of “our country is being invaded” don’t you understand? If it were up to you guys, we would be greeting the illegals at the border with a Happy Meal and a welcome pack.

And what’s up with our schools? Kids are being suspended for wearing red, white and blue on their t-shirts? When did this bullshit start happening? Some school officials have said that its “incendiary” to wear an American flag on your shirt. Oh, really? But it’s ok to parade a Mexican flag around and have Cinco de Mayo celebrations in the school? Give me a freggin’ break! Is this still the USA or what??

I personally find it “incendiary”:

  • When I see a Mexican flag flying over an American flag. This should NEVER happen! If you want to fly your Mexican flag, go back to Mexico and fly it!
  • When Hispanics look at me like I’m an idiot because I don’t speak Spanish. Until the official language is changed, I will continue to speak English and English only!
  • When liberal college professors try to indoctrinate students with their anti-American rhetoric.
  • When illegal immigrants demand equal rights under the American constitution. Those rights are for American citizens, stupid!
  • When I get stuck footing the bill for Mexican women who enter the US illegally in order to have their babies.
  • When race baiters like Al Sharpton come to the aid of illegals in the name of “tolerance”. Hey Al, how about we stop “tolerating” people who break our laws?? 
  • When illegals enter our country and commit heinous crimes against American citizens.
  • When school kids are teased and bullied for being proud of their country!

So, without further ado, let me climb up onto my soap box……..

As I stand up here and proudly wave my American flag, I think of all that it symbolizes. I think about our basic liberties and freedoms, but more importantly, I think about all of the sacrifices that have been made over the years to defend it. Countless people have paid the ultimate price in order to keep us free. We’ve come too far and fought too hard just to hand our country over to a bunch of people who have no respect for our laws. So, if I seem a little less than enthusiastic at the sight of your Mexican flag, try to understand something. When the rest of the world needs help or wants a better life, they sure as hell don’t go to your country. Yes, that’s right. They come to mine! Just like you did!

I am proud to be an American and I’ll be damned if ANYONE is going to make me feel guilty or ashamed of it. If anyone feels offended by my flag, come up here and try to take it from me. But be prepared to deal with my 200+ pounds of red, white & blue American ass! If you think that Mexico is so great, why the hell did you come here?

Simply put, my country is better than yours. And that doesn’t make me racist or insensitive. It just makes me a proud American! Deal with it!

God Bless the USA!



  1. B E A U T I F U L !!
    I love your passion.


  2. Two thumbs up, sir.
