Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Times Square Dud

We’re learning more and more information every day about the would-be Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad. It appears that he must have been asleep for the better part of those terrorist training classes. Just a few of his mishaps that we’re currently aware of:

  • Instead of setting the timer on the bomb to 7:00 pm,  he set it for 7:00 am
  • He used a fertilizer that would not explode.
  • He left his car and house keys in the ignition of the vehicle.
  • He attempted to fly out of a New York airport (relatively close to the crime scene) after spontaneously using cash to buy a one way ticket to Dubai.

We really have to be thankful that this guy was such a dunce. It’s almost as if he wanted to get caught. But as incompetent as Shahzad was, amazingly, he still almost got away! This is the part that I’m having a problem understanding.

Even though Shahzad’s name and photo were being circulated all over New York, he was still able to board his impromptu flight to Dubai. How does he get past the TSA checkpoints so easily? I’d have to believe his name had to be on some kind of watch list. Did the gate agents even bother to check? I guess they were too worried about someone’s grandmother trying to smuggle a pair of nail clippers onboard.

This all has me wondering whether or not the hassle that we all go through at the airport is doing any good at all. Think about it. It didn’t stop the shoe bomber. Nor did it stop the infamous underwear bomber. But to be fair, I’m sure a lot of shampoo and mouthwash has been confiscated over the past few years.

And, as much as the sensitivity nuts wanted us to believe that the attempted bombing in Times Square was the work of a 40-something white dude, it appears that it was another one of those darned radical Muslims. Imagine that! Hmmm, I’m starting to see a pattern here….

Should we profile when it comes to hunting for terror suspects? You bet your ass we should. Because while most young men like to watch sports or drink beer or chase women, young radical Muslim’s like to spend their evenings trying to blow things up! Unfortunately, too many times, they succeed.

And why is the Obama administration so reluctant to refer to these incidents as terrorism? Initially, we hear the typical PC bullshit about how it’s “an isolated incident”. Then, when we ultimately find out that it was the work of an Islamic fundamentalist terror group, everyone acts surprised. God forbid we mention the word Islam in a terrorism investigation. That might hurt the terrorist’s feelings and make them not like us. Wake up libs! Radical Muslims will never like us and there’s not a damned thing we can ever do about it (except maybe to trade in our Bible for a Koran).

Why are we so sensitive to people who want us dead? I say screw them and the camel they rode in on! The only effective way to deal with terrorists is to hunt them down and kill them. End of story.

(Oh, I’m sorry. Am I being too insensitive?)


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