Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11 - Eight Years Later

It’s hard to believe that it’s been eight years since a group of peaceful Muslims murdered close to 3000 innocent bystanders on American soil. It’s a day that will forever be burned into my mind. And yes, I’m still pissed about it!

Some people said we had it coming. More troubling was that some of these idiots were actually American. And Obama’s beloved Reverend (Jeremiah Wright) of twenty years explained that “the chickens have come home to roost". And Obama's recent pick for Green Czar, Van Jones, thinks that George Bush had something to do with 9/11! This amazes me. I got some of my own words for these people. If you think America is so bad and deserved what happened on September 11, 2001, then why don’t you pack your bags and GET THE F*CK OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!!!

Let me ask these spineless scumbags a few questions:

· Did two-thousand children deserve to become orphans on that day?
· 343 brave New York City Firefighters perished on that day. How did they have this coming?
· Did 2-year old Christine Hanson deserve to die? She was on United Flight 175 and on her way to her first trip to Disneyland.
· 200 desperate people jumped to their deaths from the World Trade Center. What did they do to deserve this fate?
· Did thousands of our brave soldiers deserve to be killed and maimed in the war on terror stemming from 9/11?

I love this country. The memories of what happened eight years ago are still as vivid as if they happened yesterday. So no, I don’t have much tolerance for anyone that says that we were, in any way, responsible for what happened on the fateful day. If you want to point the finger at someone, here’s an idea. How about blaming one of those “peaceful” Islamic extremist assholes with the boxcutters? Oh, I’m sorry, did you say I’m racially profiling? Well, f*ck you and the camel you rode in on!

And thank God we had George Bush in the White House eight years ago. If Al Gore was in charge he would have probably said that the burning twin towers were a result of global warming.. And can you imagine what Obama would have done? He would have probably invited Bin Laden over to the White house for a beer!

If I still sound a little pissed, you bet your ass I am!

So, here we are, eight years after that horrible day. The good news is that there have been no subsequent attacks since then. For this, I thank the brave men and women of our military. You are the best and your country owes you a debt of gratitude. And thanks to the CIA and FBI for doing a superb job.

God Bless America!


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