Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting Serious In Arizona

My Dad used to tell me, "If you want something done right, sometimes you've gotta do it yourself." Well, yesterday, that's exactly what Arizona Governor Jan Brewer did. She signed a bill that essentially makes it against Arizona state law to be in the country illegally. The local police will now be doing the job that the federal government has failed to do.

So here's where the fun begins......

The usual suspects are already crying about racial profiling and potential civil rights issues. Even President Obama has chimed in about "misguided" and "irresponsible" local governments overstepping their authority. Obama has also instructed the Justice Department to examine the law for is legality. The general feeling from the left is that the law is unfair and possibly unconstitional. Are you kidding me? Just a few weeks ago, after the ramming the Healthcare Bill through, the left seemed to have no issues at all about violating the Constitution.

Arizona is in dire straits with it's illegal immigration problem. They continue to face a growing problem of drug smuggling, gang activity and murder due to it's uncontrolled borders. So, what are they supposed to do?

Let me give you an analogy. Imagine someone breaking into your house. Your only defense is the handgun in your dresser drawer. Now, it's decision time. Do you take your chances and hope the intruder will quietly go away? (Maybe you could offer him some milk and cookies to make him less aggressive). Or do you grab the handgun and threaten to paint the wall with his head unless he waits patiently for the police to arrive? I know what I would do....

This is what Arizona is faced with. Either they sit around and hope illegal immigrants will magically stop pouring over the border. Or they can take matters into thier own hands and try to put a stop to it. I say kudos to Governor Brewer for doing the right thing for her state!

I don't understand support for the illegal immigrants. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the fact that they're here illegally mean  that they're breaking our law? So, where's the problem? Frankly, I'm tired of hearing all of the racial bullshit too. It's getting old. You know damned well that the race hustlers will be scrutinizing every move the Arizona police make. Don't think the police won't be aware of it. Here's a suggestion to avoid any potential confrontations with the police: Obey the laws!

Illegal immigration is out of control in this country. There's an estimated eleven million illegals living among us right now. And that number is expected to soar unless we do something about it. I can understand why both parties have turned a blind eye to the problem. Republicans know that illegal immigrants (or undocumented workers) provide super cheap labor for thier wealthy business partners. And Democrats know that the Hispanic voting bloc is way too large to jeapodize. So, they both drag their feet and try to give the impression that they're doing something about the problem. In reality, nothing is being done and our country continues to be invaded right before our eyes.

At least one Governor has finally gotten serious about dealing with it!


1 comment:

  1. Kudos to this forward thinking governor. Whet ever happened to separation of power between state and the federal government? I guess Thomas Jefferson was an idiot. I thought that's why we have state governements. I guess Obama, in his vast experience with these matters, knows better then the founders of our nation. I wouldn't expect less from this arrogant a$$hole. The illeg
    al immigration problem is in epidemic proportions in the border states. I think the local governments there would know best how to handle it. But in the SSA (Socialist States of America) our comrade politicians know what's best. What else would you expect in this administration?

    "I believe the States can best govern our home concerns, and the General Government our foreign ones." --Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson, 1823. ME 15:450

    "My general plan would be, to make the States one as to everything connected with foreign nations, and several as to everything purely domestic." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787. ME 6:227
