From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam,
God blessAmerica , My home sweet home……….
To the oceans, white with foam,
God bless

To this day, I still get goose bumps every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner. It always makes me reflect on all the sacrifices that have been made to keep the Stars and Stripes flying high. I envision Francis Scott Key witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry and knowing that no mater how bad things got, our flag would still proudly wave. It's symbolic of the American people; you may be able to knock us down, but you can never break our spirit.
Hearing our national anthem also makes me appreciate how lucky we are to be an Americans. Of all the countries in the world, we all wound up here. How great is that??
Hearing our national anthem also makes me appreciate how lucky we are to be an Americans. Of all the countries in the world, we all wound up here. How great is that??
And while other countries may sometimes call us arrogant, it doesn't really bother me. When you're a winner, inevitably, there are going to be those who get a little jealous. In my opinion, it’s not arrogance when you can back up your accomplishments. The world is indeed a better place because of America . And yes, I’ll say it…..we are the greatest country in the world!
When people around the world want a better life, where do they come? They come to the land of opportunity: the United States of America. If you put in the effort, anything is possible in America. I remember hearing a speech by a very famous Austrian immigrant several years ago. Beaming with pride, he said that after he was sworn in as a US citizen, he walked around all day with the American flag draped around his shoulders. That's the feeling every American should have!
When people around the world want a better life, where do they come? They come to the land of opportunity: the United States of America. If you put in the effort, anything is possible in America. I remember hearing a speech by a very famous Austrian immigrant several years ago. Beaming with pride, he said that after he was sworn in as a US citizen, he walked around all day with the American flag draped around his shoulders. That's the feeling every American should have!
Beginning with the American Revolution, countless brave men and women have continuously fought to preserve our freedoms and independence. I can’t thank our military enough. You guys are not only the best, you are also the reason America is what it is! Thank you so much for everything you have done and continue to do!
Soon, the barbeques will be heating up and fireworks will be coloring the sky. A genuine slice of Americana will be on full display in backyards across the nation. So, while you’re spending time with your family and friends today, take a moment to reflect on how fortunate you are to be an American. And if you really want to do something for your country on this Fourth of July, simply appreciate it....
Happy Birthday, America !
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