Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Mosque at Ground Zero

When I first heard about the plans to build a mosque in New York at the site of Ground Zero, I just laughed it off. I mean, this idea was so ridiculous that it had to be a joke, right?

But my laughter quickly turned to outrage when I discovered it was true. There is indeed a plan to build a mosque where a bunch of murdering Islamic bastards killed almost 3000 innocent people on September 11, 2001. What could be more insulting to the families of the victims? And how could any American be ok with this?

The liberals are spinning this as a “token of healing”. I don’t buy it at all. I take this as nothing more than rubbing salt in the wound of what America still feels from that infamous September day.

I’m tired of hearing all of the bullshit about how Islam is the “religion of peace”. I’m also tired being told about tolerance and diversity. All of that went out the window when those radical Islamabods flew planes into our buildings. How can we be tolerant of an ideology that wants us dead? (You know, that whole “kill the infidels” thing…).

First off, I find it insulting that Muslims would even suggest that we build a mosque at the sacred ground in New York. To say it’s in bad taste would be an understatement. I personally don’t want to see anything even related to Islam around Ground Zero. And if people thing I’m being unreasonable and not “tolerant” enough, too f*cking bad. I will never forget those images of Muslims around the world rejoicing as Americans were jumping out of the Twin Towers. And I don’t recall any Muslims anywhere condemning it. Call me unreasonable, but as an American, these kinds of things really tend to piss me off!

Hey, I wonder if Muslims asked to piss on the victim’s graves, if the liberals would be ok with that too. To me, it’s essentially the same thing. Is there any limit to political correctness??

In my opinion, all this proposed mosque will do is feed the fire of radical Islam around the world. These assholes will be dancing in the streets (like they did while our buildings were still burning on September 11) at the site of a mosque on Ground Zero. I take it as nothing more than a form of gloating. It’s like the radical bastards are saying “Ha ha, we flew planes into your buildings and you assholes are building a tribute to us!”

And as if it couldn’t be any more insulting, the proposed opening for this mosque is on September 11, 2011 (the tenth anniversary of the murders).

In my opinion, Islam is more of an ideology than a religion. They want the rest of the world to be tolerant of them; however they are not willing to accept other points of view. It’s their way or the highway.  If you happen to be a Jew or a Christian, you’re considered an infidel (or impure) and you must covert or must be killed. Nice…..

Islam despises everything America is about. But our freedom is all they really need to hate us. If you disagree, just look at how Muslims treat their women. If a Muslim woman is caught looking at a man other than her husband, she can be stoned to death. Or perhaps she can be the recipient of an “honor killing” at the hands of a family member. Yeah, sounds like a religion of peace and tolerance to me! Quit pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining!

You tell me that a mosque at Ground Zero will allow Americans to better understand Islam? Personally, I have no desire to learn any more of your religion. I learned everything I needed to know about Islam on September 11, 2001.


1 comment:

  1. I believe the people of the Middle East, not just Muslims, will see this as an act of weakness by Americans. Yes, it was Muslim extremists who committed the crime in NY that day, however, we need to widen our view and understanding of the people from that part of the world regardless of their religion. They will see this as weakness and has a high potential of giving others the "courage" to attack the United States of America.
