Initially, there was some predictable nonsense about Cain being a "token black" for the Republicans, but it was quickly dismissed and Cain continued to gain momentum. But you just knew that there would be something else. And sure enough, just when you thought the dust was settling, they starting coming out of the woodwork.........
At last count, there were at least five women who have said that they were sexually harassed by Herman Cain. Of course, Cain denies it but he'll surely have to lay some serious defense cards on the table before this thing goes away. The last I heard, Cain has offered to take a lie detector test. We'll have to wait and see how this whole thing unfolds. Personally, regardless of the outcome, I think this latest scandal will derail Cain's bid for the White House.
But here's what amazes me the most about this whole thing. Although Bill Clinton was the poster boy for sexual harassment, he continues to walk on water as far as Democrats are concerned. And, of course, there's JFK. But if there's even a hint of sexual misconduct on the Republican side, the mainstream media throws them to the wolves before they even have a chance to defend themselves. There certainly seems to be a double standard here.
And where exactly are Rev. Al and Super Jesse on all of this? Here's a prominent black man (Cain) being accused of all of these awful things by several white women. And the race hustling Dynamic Duo are nowhere to be found! Oh that's right, Cain is a conservative black man. Nevermind....
And here's one other thing that comes to mind. If it turns out that this slew of accusations was orchestrated by the Democrats, does that make them racists? Almost any criticism of Barrack Obama will bring at least an insinuation of racism from the left. Why is it not the same when the shoe is on the other foot? Again, another double standard.
Hey look, I don't know how this whole thing is going to turn out for Herman Cain. If he did indeed have these skeletons in his closet, I'm not sure why he didn't anticipate the usual attack dogs digging them up. He is obviously a very bright man, so it's hard for to believe that he didn't see this coming. It really makes me wonder if there is actually any merit to these accusations.
From some of the things that I've read so far, there seems to be some controversy surrounding some of the accusers. I have read that at least one accuser works for the Obama administration* and another has a history of workplace complaints**. Could it be possible that these women have a financial motive? Who knows?
Cain will, no doubt, continue to tread the dirty waters of gutter politics for the upcoming weeks. But before we rush to judgement, I think we need to hear the whole story from all sides.....
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