Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Penn State Scandal

As the details of the Penn State scandal continue to unfold, I find it very intriguing. Last week, we learned that an assistant coach had walked in Jerry Sandusky while he was raping a young boy. It was first reported that the coach reported the crime to Penn State authorities but failed to call the local police. But this morning, I read that the coach is claiming that he did indeed talk to the police. But the police are saying that they knew nothing about it. Nonetheless, if this coach did indeed witness Sandusky sexually assaulting a child, why didn't he just crack his f*cking skull??

I don't usually advocate violence, but in the case of a child molester, all bets are off. These sick bastards are the lowest form of humanity and don't deserve to live. There is nothing worse than a monster who robs a child of his or her innocence. Am I wrong for feeling  this way?

Of course, Jerry Sandusky will get his day in court, but things certainly don't look good for him. Just yesterday, I saw an interview where Sandusky admits, on national television no-less,  that he often showered with young boys. Huh? I'm sorry, but it's not normal for a grown man to be routinely lathering up and "horsing around" with ten year olds. If he were doing this with a child of mine, I'd be more than just a little pissed.

Also, when asked by NBC's Bob Costas* if he was sexually attracted to young boys, Sandusky hemmed and hawed before finally saying that he wasn't. What normal person even has to think about a question like that? Another damaging move that I'm sure that the prosecution will use against him.

There certainly seems to be an element of a cover-up at Penn Sate. But we'll let the investigation determine how deep it went. My understanding is that Penn State University is exempt to opening up their records to the public. That should make things just a little more interesting.

If the molestation charges turn out to be true, Penn State may suffer irreparable damage to both it's reputation and it's financial future. Look at what happened to the Catholic church as a result of turning its back on decades of molestation by pedophile priests. In my opinion, they didn't pay nearly enough for all of the lives that they ruined!

Sarah Palin recently commented on the situation by saying, "Hang 'em from the highest tree. I'll bring the rope."* If it turns out that any of these allegations about Jerry Sandusky are true, I'm with Sarah.......

Some might say that I'm barbaric or unreasonable. But I have a feeling they would have quite a different outlook if it was their kid who was being violated by one of these monsters.

Remember the victims......


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