In the latest turn of absurdity, a school in Massachusetts is now banning the word "St. Patrick's Day"*. In an effort to be more "inclusive and diverse", the March 17 tradition will hereby be called "O'Green Day". The principal of the school says that this will also help with the "discomfort" some students might have in celebrating a day called St. Patrick's Day. No, I'm not kidding. And these are the people who we pay to educate our kids? God (oops, sorry) help us! The only discomfort I ever had as a result of St. Patty's Day was a headache on the morning after!
(Also, at this same school, Valentine's Day was renamed "Caring & Kindness Day". Now, that's actually kind of funny! I wonder if the traditional red heart was replaced by a rainbow?)
I find it amazing that some people tend to be so easily offended by another person's beliefs or traditions. Aren't liberals supposed to be open-minded and tolerant? So, why is it that every time they oppose something, they want to shut it down, ban it or at the very least, rename it? Is their skin really that thin? Or do they merely want something to complain about?
Personally, I experience emotional discomfort every time I see a chunky person (can I still say that?) struggling uphill in a Smart Car. But I don't bitch and moan about it. I just deal with it and go about my business.
So, what's the problem with St. Patrick's Day? Is it too religious? Or perhaps it's deemed too offensive because it celebrates an Irish tradition. Come on, this is ridiculous! What's so offensive about people dressing up in green clothing and tipping back a pint or two of Guinness? Can we expect a boycott of Lucky Charms next?
It's one thing for the PC police to meddle with Christmas, but when they start interfering with an Irish drinking holiday, they might get just a little opposition. They don't call 'em the Fightin' Irish for nothing......
r they gonna rename cinco de mayo too? Look how many celebrate that drinking holiday!