Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Gun Battle Rages On

The arguments surrounding stricter gun control laws continue to heat up. No doubt, both sides are very passionate about their respective stances on this issue. Me personally? I think an armed nation is a safer nation. Until someone can explain to me how places like Washington DC and Chicago are safer as a result of their strict gun control laws, I'm not buying any of the grab-grabbing bullshit. I believe that everyone (who passes a background check) should have the right to arm themselves. Our government should not deny private citizens their God-given right to protect themselves.

And I always get annoyed when I hear gun opponents use hunting and gun control in the same sentence. Hunting has absolutely nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Our right to bear arms was put in the Constitution to protect us from government tyranny. Ironically  it's that very government that now seems to be hellbent on stripping away our gun rights. Hey maybe, just maybe, our forefathers saw this coming?

Aside from all this, I'm simply amazed at some the recent reactions around the country as a result of the current gun debate. Check these out:

  • This week, a two six-year olds were suspended from a Maryland elementary school for using their fingers to simulate guns while playing Cops and Robbers.
  • A New York high school was locked down after a student was spotted carrying a toy lime-green Nerf gun.
  • A principal at a Massachusetts school was suspended for appearing in a spoof of "The Terminator" movie.

Hey, I can understand taking precautions and being vigilant, but aren't we overreacting just a little bit? I can remember running around with toy guns during my entire childhood. Do they even sell toy guns anymore? As a teenager, most of the boys in the neighbor, at one time or another, owned a BB/pellet gun. Hell, one of America's most beloved "holiday" movies centers around a young boy's quest for a BB gun. Can we expect to see TBS to plug the plug on it's annual 24-hour "A Christmas Story" marathon this year? After all, the kid might shoot his eye out!

I am certainly not trying to make light of gun violence. It's a horrible thing and, yes, something needs to be done to stop it. I just don't believe that disarming the average citizen is the right approach.

In my opinion, the root of the problem lies way deeper than the gun itself. We now live in a society where we feel compelled to blame everything and everybody except the individual who committed the crime. There is certainly some blame to be attributed to the culture of violence that we now subject our children to. But in almost all cases, you need look no further than the individual that pulled the trigger. Guns do not fire themselves. Although we can make a million more gun control laws and I'm totally convinced that it will no impact on any potential senseless shooting. We seem to be missing the simple point that criminals don't obey laws! I don't know, maybe enforcing existing laws might be a good place to start? Too many times, the justice system fails us......

I do agree that not everyone should be allowed to own a gun. There should be background checks put in place. You certainly wouldn't want someone who has a history of mental instability twirling a revolver out in public. And if someone has a history of criminal violence, they probably shouldn't be allowed to legally own a gun. However, if someone wants something bad enough, they'll certainly find a way to get it. This is why banning guns altogether will never work. By the way, how's that war on drugs working out?

While guns guns and ammo fly off the shelves across the country, President Obama is in the process of issuing 23 executive actions to deal what he believes will cut down on gun violence. Will assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns be redefined to fit the agenda? Will guns one day be outlawed altogether?

In a perfect world, there would be no need for weapons. Everyone would live peacefully and respect one another. Government tyranny would be something that would only exist in fairy tales. Unfortunately, we don't live in such a world. And until we do, the people's right to bear arms needs to exist!


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