Friday, April 25, 2014

Standing In My Way

Have you ever been driving through a busy parking lot and noticed all of the inconsiderate assholes who park near the front entrances of the businesses? Well, I guess it's not technically "parking" if the engine is running. Instead, we've come to refer to this as "standing". Like that makes it justified...

Just yesterday, I was driving through a parking lot on my way to a local Kinko's store. You would think that I could breeze right through the parking lot, drop my packages off and then be on my merry way. But no! Impeding my path were at least three lazy morons who thought that they were important enough to have everyone else go around them. By the time I got to the last one, I had reached my limit and I laid on the horn. Of course, the woman in the car acted like she didn't hear anything. So, I gave her a second blast. Again, no response. So, giving her the benefit of the doubt, I assumed that she might be deaf. So as a courtesy, I pulled alongside her and mouthed, "You're an asshole."

Are these "standers" really so important that parking in a legitimate parking space is beneath them?  Many times, an abundance of open parking spaces are only a short distance away. But these jerk-offs absolutely refuse to use them. Instead, they insist on blocking traffic while they nonchalantly sit and force us to go around their inconsiderate asses. They're probably the same people who drive 30 mph in the fast lane.

And once in a blue moon, a police officer will recognize the situation and ticket one of the standers. I've actually seen it happen one time where the driver got out and start bitching at the cop. Can you believe that? If I were the cop, I would have given the guy a wood shampoo and then told him to move his f*cking car.


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