Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Hot Verdict In Ferguson

Ok, so as everyone knows by now, the verdict is finally in on the Michael Brown shooting and Officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted. I've had a full day to absorb the different opinions surrounding the outcome. So, here is my slightly edited two-cents.....

First off, the protesters demanded and ultimately got a Grand Jury to hear the evidence. After several months of sifting through countless pieces of evidence and testimonies, the Grand Jury did not find enough probable cause to indict Wilson. So, in a more perfect world, this would seem sufficient and everyone would accept the outcome for what it was. But, of course that's not the case here....

From the beginning, the protesters, instigators and race-baiters were not going to accept anything less than an indictment and ultimately a conviction. So, when the word came down about the Grand Jury's decision, the shit really hit the fan. Buildings in Ferguson, Missouri were burned and looted, shots were fired, vehicles were vandalized and people in the streets acted like a pack of uncivilized hoodlums.

And what exactly is any of this supposed to accomplish?

By the way, did you know that the majority of those businesses that these "peaceful protesters" destroyed were minority owned?* What did any of these business owners have to do with the shooting? What sense does it make to destroy their property? People bust their asses for a piece of the American dream just so a bunch of clueless thugs can burn it down in an instant. I'd like to hear what Reverend Al has to say about that.

And speaking of Reverend Al, why is this race-hustling prick even allowed into these situations? This guy couldn't care less about racial harmony in this country. If we fulfilled Rodney King's wish and somehow "all got along", the alleged Reverend would be out of job. He only fans the flames of racism and continues to divide people. He's an total obstacle when it comes to accomplishing anything productive.

Every night, in places like Baltimore and Chicago, young black men are gunned down by other black men. If assholes like Reverend Al really want to make a difference in the black community, this would probably be a good place to start. But, of course, they ignore this and pretend that it's actually the cops who are the real enemies.

This morning, I saw a news interview with the president of the NAACP. He was upset about the "mountains of evidence" that was dumped on the Grand Jury. WTF? So now, there's a such thing as too much evidence? Good to know....

Listening to all of these protesters bitch about the Grand Jury's decision reminds me of watching a football game. Whenever a call doesn't go your team's way, it's a bullshit call and the ref is an idiot. In the Ferguson case, we now hear that the Grand Jury dropped the ball, the justice system failed us and, last but not least, the DA is a dickhead. Of course, if Officer Wilson had been indicted, we would have been hearing about how great the system worked.

By the way, where were all of these protesters after OJ was acquitted? Remember all of the riots, looting and all-out lawlessness after that one? Yeah, me neither.

So now, we're back to the old "No Justice No Peace" mantra which translates into the protesters taking out their frustrations on people that had absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand. I was amazed today when I heard so-called community leaders making excuses for the violence (or "civil unrest" as it's now called). Uh huh, that's right, if things don't go our way, we'll act like a bunch of two-year-olds and break shit. That should really accelerate the healing process......


* http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/11/25/Most-Businesses-Destroyed-in-Ferguson-Minority-Owned

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