Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Cop and The Disruptive Student

So, as I'm sipping my initial cup of coffee yesterday morning, I catch a segment on the morning news which shows a scuffle between a South Carolina high school student and a police officer. This particular video appears to show the officer forcibly removing the female student from her desk. As she is pulled out of the chair, the desk topples over and the student is pulled to the front of the classroom where she is ultimately handcuffed. While, on the surface, I can see why the altercation might generate a "WTF reaction". But as we've come to expect, most of the media sources like to tap dance around what led up to the incident.

Sifting through various reports, this is my understanding of what preceded the "heinous" actions of the police officers. The student was playing on her cell phone instead of working on her class assignment. When the teacher instructed her to put the cell phone away, the student became unruly. The girl was then ordered to leave the classroom, which she refused to do. Since she was becoming a serious disruption to the class, the teacher called in a school administrator to intervene. The administrator also attempted to get the student to leave the classroom. But, again, she refused. As a last resort, the school resource officer was called in to take control of the situation. (Isn't it funny how the cell phone videos never seem to capture the prelude?)

So, once the cop shows up, the cell phones impulsively come out. And another negative police story is born.......

I was amazed at how the media has sensationalized the whole thing.  They described the cop as using a "choke hold" on the girl. They also reported that that the girl was "slammed" to the ground. I watched the video several times and didn't see it happen that way. If I hadn't seen the video for myself, I would have thought that the cop had body-slammed the girl WWE-style and then tossed her to the front of the class like an oversize corn-hole bag.

This whole situation could have been avoided if the student would have simply followed instructions. Her first option was to put her cell phone away. Option number two would have been to leave the class room after being instructed by the teacher. Option three would have been to leave the class room after being ordered by the administrator. And even when the officer was called in, the student had yet another option in standing up on her own. But, remaining defiantly consistent, she declined the fourth and final option.

So, for all of the police critics out there. what was the cop supposed to do? Should he have gotten down on his hands and knees and begged the kid to stand up? Perhaps he should have tried to bribe her with a Coke and a bag of Funyuns? Sorry folks, the police are in business to sustain and/or restore order. And, that's exactly what this cop did. He took control of the situation. The student set these wheels in motion, not the cop. But, never missing an opportunity to conjure up a story, the news media has added their predictable twist and jump started the anti-police crusade. They have transformed a disruptive brat into the latest poster child for police "brutality".

And we're not done yet. There are racial implications on this one too. Wow, I could have never saw that one coming! Since the the student is black and the officer is white, the race hustlers are now jockeying for position. There is already a federal civil rights investigation under way. Reverend Al, you'd better wake up or you're gonna be late to the party!

The question I've been hearing over and over again is: What if it was your daughter being "slammed" by that cop? First off, she wasn't slammed. Secondly, this is like asking Ted Bundy's mother how she felt about her son frying in the electric chair. I understand that it's hard to be objective when you (or your child) is directly involved in an extraordinary event. But with that being said, my daughter (if I had one) would not have gotten herself into that situation because I would have taught her better. The kid in this case demonstrated a blatant disregard for the rules and a lack of respect for authority. Maybe the parents need to be "slammed".

In the latest developments, the cop has been fired. And his career in law enforcement will likely be eternally derailed by this incident. Score another victory for disrespectful kids and their sorry ass parents.

Meanwhile, the disruptive student is trying to figure out what she's going to buy with her upcoming settlement check as she anxiously awaits her invitation to the White House.....


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