Saturday, December 5, 2015

The San Bernardino Shooting

So, this past week we had yet another senseless mass killing. This time, the nonsense returned to the U.S. where 14 people were massacred at a center that works with the developmentally disabled in San Bernardino, CA. In addition to the fatalities, there were also more than 20 people who were wounded at the Christmas party which was being held at the center.

Upon the initial news break on Wednesday afternoon, there was immediate speculation on who might be behind the attack. Since no one really had a good description of the suspects yet, the "crazy white guy" was the only politically-correct speculation. Keeping things offensive-friendly, talk of terrorism was gingerly eluded.

Things progressed to the point where the shooters were caught and ultimately given a dose of their own medicine in the the form of a barrage of gunfire from police. It turned out that the two shooters were husband and wife. The husband happened to work at the center where the shooting took place. This prompted the predictable label of "work place violence" by another gun nut. President Obama even used his first press conference to push his gun control agenda. Why would he ever let a tragedy go to waste?

But as more information came in, we learned that the couple was Muslim. Islamic husband and wife shooting up a Christmas party. What could possibly be suspicious here? But the main media outlets still tap danced around the facts. Until, it was discovered that the wife had ties to ISIS. She had recently pledged her allegiance to the leader of ISIS in a Facebook post. Well, slap my ass and call me Spanky!

President Obama has somewhat acknowledged that terrorism could now be involved. But he points out that the shooters could have had "mixed motives" (Islamic radicalism and workplace grievances). Do you ever feel like he's pissing on your leg and telling you it's raining?

There is now a push by some lawmakers to pass even stricter gun control laws. How much stricter can they get in California? And at what point will these fools comprehend that gun laws will NOT prevent this type of nonsense. In fact, if there were MORE guns, maybe LESS of this bullshit would happen. Why do you think that these things continue to happen in gun-free zones? If just one good guy had a gun in these situations, perhaps he could stop the bad guy before he kills half the crowd. At least he'd have a fighting chance! But maybe I'm just delusional....

Another thing that's quite concerning is that the female shooter passed criminal and national security background checks in route to getting her "fiance visa" and green card. And we still want to let countless Syrian refugees into our country?

I also caught some social media posts that pointed out how Americans were very supportive of France a few weeks ago. But many of those same people don't seem to have a lot to say about things that happen on US soil. There's certainly some validity in that observation, but I'm not sure what to make of it. Me personally? I'm sympathetic to anyone who's an innocent victim of terrorism.

The big question is...How do prevent this type of thing from happening? I'm not sure anyone has the answer. But I'm pretty sure that political correctness and cavalier immigration policies certainly aren't going to help keep us safe....


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