Saturday, August 27, 2016

Summer School

We're barely a week into the new school year and we already have weather-related closures. Of course, Maryland doesn't get a whole lot of snow in August. But it can get a bit hot and humid. So, a few weeks ago, Baltimore County School administrators announced a new policy to address the heated classroom issue. When the heat index reaches 90 (which is almost everyday this time of year), schools without air conditioning will be closed.

They are now estimating that the kids could miss close to three weeks of school due to heat (and snow) closures. When will they make the days up? In July? If I remember correctly, July can get pretty hot too.

I'm kind of amazed that things have been allowed to get to this point. After all, it's 2016. I thought my garage was the only place in Maryland that was air conditioned. It seems that any government building, especially one filled with pampered kids, would have a climate controlled environment at this point. But apparently not...

And the risk of showing my age, I can't resisting segueing into a "back when I was a kid" story....

Yes, back when I was in school, there were hardly any schools with AC. There were only a lucky few who would temporarily escape the summer heat by sitting in a classroom in one of the annexed parts of the school building. For the rest of us, we would jostle for a coveted spot near one of the open windows. If you had a compassionate teacher, he/she might bring one of those large standing fans into the classroom. But the most interesting thing is that I don't remember anyone ever considering closing the schools due to heat. We just sat there and compliantly sweated our asses off.

I can remember entering the class room and being greeted by desktop sweat left behind by the poor bastard from the previous class. I would run down to the bathroom and grab a wet paper towel in order to prepare a more desirable work area. Looking back on it now, the classrooms should have all had those spray bottles that are used in gyms to wipe don the sweaty workout equipment.

Back back in the day, I guess the kids were more acclimated to the hot weather. Many of us grew up in homes without AC. And almost all of us played in the Baltimore heat the entire summer. Additionally, most of the automobiles were sans AC. To keep "cool", you rolled down the window. The closest thing to climate control was the interior vents which essentially blew hot air on you as you progressed down the road. If you were really lucky, you might find yourself in a vehicle with one of those little wing windows which could be adjusted to re-direct even more hot air onto your perspiring body.

Of course,  today's kids are much more fortunate. They're kept at optimum temperature all year as they sit comfortably in front the TV playing their video games. So,  I guess I can understand how a 90 degree heat index could be like a sucker punch to these unsuspecting lads......


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