Sunday, April 5, 2020

Coronavirus - The Social Distance

When I first heard the term "social distancing", it was like hearing nails on a chalkboard. For a person who enjoys being in the company of others, this was going to be a hard request to fulfill. But nonetheless, here we are..

As much as we're all trying to do our part to "socially distance" from each other, I don't think everyone is getting the message. For instance, yesterday I drove to my mothers house to cut her grass and look at a plumbing issue (No, I'm not actually a plumber but I play one on TV). Anyway, on the way there, I drove past a Home Depot. I noticed that there was a large group of people lined up outside the front entrance. From what I understand, many of the "essential" retailers are now limiting the number of people inside the store at any given time. While this might make sense on one level, it seems counter-productive when the people waiting outside are commingling like the contents of a recycling bin. There's no doubt in my mind that they would be practicing safer "distancing" within the spacious bowels of the Big Box.

While making my way into the city, I noticed several groups of people hanging out like it was a typical Saturday night at the club. On one corner, there was a bus stop with one of those plastic weather shelters. Although it was a relatively mild day weather-wise, people were huddled in the shelter like a herd of veal. A couple of them appeared to be coughing. I imagined coronavirus particles bouncing off the Plexiglas like superballs in a racquetball court.

Another group, whom I assume were unlicensed pharmacists, were flashing some kind of hand signals to passing motorists. A couple hours later, there would be a triple shooting along this very route. I'm not sure if any of these activities would be considered "essential business" but I don't think it really matters.

And speaking of essential business, I just found out that Baltimore City is quarantining all the officers who work out of the Southwestern District. This comes after one officer tested positive for COVID-19. I understand the need to take precautions. But shutting down an entire police district? In a city like Baltimore? Talk about extreme social distancing!

Last night, I played team trivia, social-distance style, via a live Facebook feed and text messaging. It wasn't quite the same as playing at a real bar/restaurant with my friends gathered around. But it was a nice break from the inevitable boredom of our current social distancing routine. I'd like to give a shout out to Ray Bachman for hosting last night's contest. There were also several local businesses who donated prizes for the contest, Bella Napoli and CRW Flags just to name a couple. Keep in mind, these folks are all hurting right now but they still donated. Ray and the people who own these businesses are truly awesome people. Remember all of them for your business needs in the future.

I don't know how long all of this is going to last. But when the dust finally settles. my wish is to never to hear the term "social distancing" again. Until then, be safe!


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