Monday, January 11, 2010

Reid Gets A Pass

It always amazes me how the Democrats always get a free pass on any racial gaffes while Republicans usually pay a hefty price.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid is the most recent example of this after it was revealed that he made a comment about then Presidential candidate Obama. He basically said, “….the U.S. was ready to elect a black president, especially someone like Obama who is light skinned and speaks with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” In other words, Obama isn’t your “typical Negro”.


As expected, Reid issued an apology to Obama. And President Obama basically dismissed it as an “unfortunate comment” and accepted the apology without question. As far as he’s concerned, the book is now closed on this. Hmmmm, I wonder if he would have felt the same way if a prominent Republican Senator had made similar comments. I seriously doubt it.

A Republican Congressman would have had to resign. Or, at the very least, apologize until he was blue in the face and then attend countless hours of diversity training. Look what happened to former Senate minority leader, Trent Lott several years ago. And Lott’s remarks to Strom Thurman weren’t nearly as direct as Reid’s. Personally, I believe Lott’s comments were taken purely out of context. But in true liberal fashion; Lott was forced to step down.

The race hustlers were all over Trent Lott. But all’s quiet on the Western front today from the usual suspects. What’s up with that? And amazingly, the NAACP and Attorney General Eric Holder (who happens to be black) are defending Harry Reid! And Reverend Al, in a surprising twist, is actually saying that the Republicans are overreacting to Reid’s comments! Can you believe this?

This is a glaring example of the double standard that exists between the Democrats and the Republicans on these issues. You still disagree? Then, please explain Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia to me.


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