Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fired Up In Florida

This Saturday, the leader of a small church in Gainesville, Florida is planning on torching several copies of the Quran. Reverend Terry Jones is doing this, he says, as a protest against radical Islam. Jones’ story was quickly exposed worldwide by the media. And as a result, not surprising, Muslims have went apeshit. They have promised violence to Americans if Rev. Jones goes through with his stunt.

Hey, I can understand Muslims being opposed to someone, especially a Westerner, burning their holy book. It’s incendiary. I feel the same way when I see some asshole burning the American flag. But like it or not, we have the freedom of expression in this country. By the way, why isn’t the ACLU rushing in to promote Reverend Jones’ First Amendment rights. Hmmm……

Personally, I couldn’t care less about what this reverend does. However, what bothers me is the potential repercussions of his act. I think that this will be used as propaganda for radical Muslims around the world. I mean, they hate us anyway. Do we really need to throw more fuel on the fire (so to speak)? I also think that it will incite additional violence against Americans, especially soldiers, by Muslims.

And this is the part that I have a problem with…..

It’s like we have to coddle these people because we’re afraid how they might react. If they feel offended, they feel that they’re totally justified in responding with violence. And the rest of us are supposed to be sympathetic and understand. Are we really supposed to accept this bullshit??

Another thing that really pisses me off is all of the talk about "insensitivity". Where are all the liberal outcries of insensitivity when Muslims are sawing off the heads of American journalists? Where’s all the talk of sensitivity when a Muslim with strap-on bomb explodes himself on a crowded bus of Jewish school kids? Speaking for myself, I get a little “insensitive” when radical Muslims hijack planes and fly them into office buildings. But maybe I just don’t understand……..

We’ll just have to wait and see if this crazy reverend in Florida goes through with his plan. Personally, I think it’s a waste of time. If nothing else, it’s in bad taste. Come to think of it, it’s kind of like building a mosque at Ground Zero…….



  1. Well put my friend. I too am worried about the safety of Americans. Especially our military and citizens abroad.

  2. Wait a minute Ken, you're saying we need to worry about possible violence from the religion of peace? Once again I can't stand the hypocracy. You're right about the ACLU. Where are they in this? This should be right up their alley.
