Saturday, September 25, 2010

No Shortage Of Scapegoats

I’m really starting to wonder if anyone is responsible for anything anymore. It seems like the modern day mentality is: it’s always someone else’s fault. And there’s always plenty of blame to go around with no shortage of people to give it to.
If a thug commits a violent crime, you would think that it would be a cut and dried case. But no. There’s always an “underlying reason” .  You’ll hear all of the typical bullshit reasons. He came from a broken home, he has no education, his grandmother is a stripper, etc. It never ends……
I worked with a guy years ago who happened to have a drug problem. Not surprising, it seriously affected his ability to do his job. He would make appointments and never show up because he was out on a crack binge. So, my reaction was, “Fire his worthless ass.” But, of course, in today’s politically correct society, this could never happen. Can you guess what happened next?
You’re gonna love this. The guy goes out on disability! Yes, that’s right. He was able to take an extended paid vacation because he was “disabled” by his addiction to drugs. So, the rest of us had to pick up this asshole’s workload while he got paid to be “rehabilitated”.  I felt like kicking his ass but, because he was “disabled”, I would have probably been charged with a hate crime.
Let me say something about this. Drug addiction is not disability. It’s the result of your bad lifestyle choices. No one held a gun to your head and made you smoke that crack pipe. You made that call. Why should the rest of us be responsible for carrying your worthless ass?
We’re seeing the same type of thing with celebrities and athletes today. The same ones (Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, three quarters of the Cincinnati Bengals, etc.) are constantly getting into trouble. And we keep hearing the excuses as they get chance after chance after chance. I say send their asses up the road and give someone who’s doing the right thing a chance!
And remember the whole mortgage mess? People bought houses that they knew they couldn’t afford. So, when the bill comes due and they can’t pay, what do they do? They blame the banks for giving them the loans! Sorry, I’m not buying it. Did you really think that a $50,000 a year salary would pay for a $750,000 house? If you did, you’re a total dumbass. But once again, the responsible people get stuck paying for you. By the way, you’re welcome!
And the blame game goes all the way up to our highest level of government. When the Obama administration gets grilled on any issue, what do they do? They blame it on Bush, of course!

Whatever happened to the days of "the buck stops here"?

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