Monday, June 10, 2013

A Buy-Back Program for Toy Guns?

The war on the Second Amendment continues to escalate. We've all heard the recent stories about kids getting suspended from school for making gun-shaped Pop-Tarts and/or pointing their index finger at a classmate. But an elementary school in Hayward, CA has upped the ante in the race to ridiculousness. I'm not making this up...the principal at Stobridge Elementary School has come up with the ingenuous idea of having a toy gun "buy-back" program. Please note the word "toy" in the last sentence.

In an effort to rid the streets of toy guns, the school will offer a book and a raffle ticket for a new bike in exchange for the children's plastic firearms. The principal's argument is that kids who play with toy guns may become "desensitized" to the dangers of real guns. (I assume that the principal has already banned "A Christmas Story". Yes folks, Ralphie's yule-tide pursuit of a Red Ryder BB-gun might be a cute holiday adventure to most of us, but out there on the left coast they probably view this film as terrorist training material.)

The principal also points out that toy guns can be a danger because they can be mistaken for real guns by police officers. I've heard of these stories in the past. But the bottom line is that if you decide to point anything at a cop, you probably have more of a "stupid" problem than a "desensitized" problem. Hey, here's brilliant idea.....Maybe our schools should try educating our kids instead of trying to turn them into a bunch of oversensitive pussies. I seriously worry about the future of our kids if they continue to be subjected to this kind of lunacy.

Going back quite a few years, I can still remember some of elementary school classmates bringing in their toy guns to "Show & Tell". Amazingly, they walked these "weapons" right through the front door without so much as a pat-down or a waltz through the metal detector. And yet no one felt the least bit threatened or intimidated. Today, if a kid brought a toy gun to school, he would be met by a SWAT team and be required to appear on at least one segment of Dr. Phil. I can also imagine the countless television programs that would be interrupted by the President's press conference:

"Today, at my direction, law enforcement officials averted a tragedy at ABC Elementary School. Due to their quick thinking and total disregard for their own safety, police officials took into custody a seven-year-old suspect who was armed with a double-barrel Super-Soaker, a neon-green plastic pistol and a large assortment of foam bullets and rubber darts. The suspect is currently being detained for further questioning at an undisclosed location. Make no mistake, we will do everything within our means to determine if he acted alone or if this was part of a bigger plan. And let me be perfectly clear, I will not rest one minute until our society is free of toy guns, water blasters and every last piece of  foam ammo....."

(I might have mentioned this before but I was in Walmart a few months ago and noticed that the toy guns were locked up. I instantly wondered if the Walmart police are now required to do a background check on any child who might want to purchase a cap pistol.)

In my opinion, this is just another effort to indoctrinate our kids. Instead of having honest discussions about responsibility and the seriousness of firearms, the gun-grabbers prefer to brainwash them into believing that all guns are evil. If guns are so bad, why do the good guys (police, military, etc.) continue to carry them? I'll tell you why. It's because they stop the bad guys!

The anti-gun crowd continues to miss the most important reason why gun control will never work. Simply put, criminals do NOT obey the law! So, choosing to ignore this, they prefer come up with new ways to demonize guns in general. It's as if they want us to believe that every senseless shooting is the result of the gun magically growing a finger and pulling it's own trigger.

I have to admit, I didn't think that anything could top the Pop-Tart incident from a few months ago. But the folks at Stobridge Elementary prove that the sky is the limit when it comes to absurdity. I can hardly imagine what they'll come up with next.....


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