Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Reason For The Season

I was just reading a Washington Times article* about how most Americans view Christmas today. According to the piece, nine out of ten Americans participate in Christmas. And out of those people, three quarters believe in the biblical account of Jesus' birth. But most surprising is that only half of these people regard Christmas a religious holiday. Really?

After I think about it, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. After all, commercialism has all but bastardized what's left of the traditional American Christmas. The celebration of Christ's birth has been dwarfed by the celebration and worship of the latest X-Box. In a traditional time of "giving", it seems that, ironically, we're becoming more and more greedy. And the worst part is that we're passing these materialistic attitudes onto our kids. I'll bet if you ask almost any 10-year old about the meaning of Christmas, he/she will likely say something like, "It's when Santa brings me lots of toys."

Hey look, I'm not trying to be the Grinch here. I acknowledge that the whole Santa Claus thing is a rite of passage. Who doesn't love the look of a child's face when they discover their presents on Christmas morning? But shouldn't they at least learn the meaning behind Christmas?

But it's almost gotten to the point where you can't even utter the word Christmas anymore. Especially in places of business, people are now terrified of using the "C" word. When did this happen? "Happy Holidays" has replaced "Merry Christmas" as the all-encompassing, family-friendly greeting.

If you happen to be a follower of another faith or no faith at all, I respect that. If you don't want to participate in Christmas celebrations, then don't participate. But why ruin it for the roughly 220 million Americans who do. Where's all of that tolerance that we about so much?

I believe that all of this politically correct bullshit is the reason why so many people ignore the religious significance in Christmas. Are we celebrating the birth of Santa Claus? Of course, not. We're supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (but you've got to promise not to tell anyone). Pretty soon, a black stripe will probably be required to cover the first six letters in Christmas. We will sending each other ------mas cards. Remember when Mayor Burgermeister Miesterburger outlawed toys in "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"? Of course, that could never happen today because spoiled kids everywhere would unite and fight back with high-pitched whines and temper tantrums. But how long before Christmas itself is outlawed? It might sound crazy but it's already gotten to the point where Christ isn't even allowed into the party. How crazy is that?

The reason for the season is becoming less significant with each passing year.......



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