Sunday, July 20, 2014

As The Border Bleeds

Every day, countless immigrants continue to pour across the Mexican border and enter the United States illegally. Of course, this has been happening for a long time. But most recently, there has been a huge influx of kids, primarily from Central America. And although these little guys are indeed breaking the law, the usual suspects are already beating the "it's all about the children" drum.

This is a tricky road for modern politicians. Both major parties know that the exploding Hispanic demographic is a voting bloc that can't be ignored. So, they make excuses why amnesty is a great thing for America. Of course, most politicians won't dare utter the "A" word. Instead, they candy-coat it with bullshit terms like "path to citizenship". But the bottom line is that both, Democrats and Republicans, are putting their respective parties first while selling America down the river. Kinda like the way corporate America did with manufacturing.....

I've been following some the local news about these illegal border kids. Maryland's Governor Owe'Malley recently commented that the illegal immigrant children should be considered refugees and thus given asylum so they are not sent back to face certain death in Central America. But when there was talk about sending some of these "New Americans" (as he likes to call them) to western Maryland, Owe'Malley suddenly changed his tune. Of course, being the prolific bullshitter, he quickly explained that he was only trying to protect the kids from all of the "racists" out in the Westminster area. The racist accusation was largely due to someone spray painting "No illegals here. No undocumented Democrats" on a potential housing site in Westminster, MD.

But the real reason Owe'Malley is balking about the law-breaking kiddies coming to Maryland is likely because it's estimated that each one is costing the taxpayer $250-1000 a day. With Owe'Malley getting ready to make a run for President (yeah, I know, I'm laughing too), he can't have anything or anybody mucking it up for him now. Especially a bunch of migrant kids who can't even vote yet! After all, Owe'Malley's worked too damned hard trying to tax us out of a deficit to throw it all away now.

Here's the part that I find really ironic (or hypocritical). While many bleeding hearts have a soft spot for all of these illegal "refugees", they seem to ignore the countless refugee children in places like Baltimore City. Do these inner city kids really have much more of a chance of a kid in Guatemala or El Salvador? Sounds kind of crazy. But is it really?

Politicians can try to spin this immigration mess any way they want. But there is no way this is good for the United States. Just last week, the President was asking for $4 billion to deal with the latest bunch of people crossing the border ILLEGALLY. This is the beginning. How much will it be next month, $10 billion?

If you happen to feel like it's America's responsibility to take care of all these illegals, why don't you step up and offer to take a few of them in? I'm sorry, did you say something? Yeah, that's what I thought.......


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