Sunday, March 6, 2016

Super Saturday & The Future of the GOP

So "Super Saturday" is now in the books. Donald Trump split the four states with Ted Cruz. Trump took Kentucky and Louisiana while Cruz won easily in Kansas and Maine. Breaking it all down, Cruz made out a little better as he picked up a few more delegates than any of the other Republican candidates.

Cruz now trails Trump by only 82 delegates. So, more pressure is being put on Marco Rubio and John Kasich to drop out of the race. Of course, this won't happen until the March 15 elections in Florida and Ohio.

John Kasich's campaign is currently running on life support. But a win in Ohio would act as the defibrillator that he desperately needs. I don;t expect Rubio to go away anytime soon. With the strong possibility of a brokered Republican convention, he could still get the nomination.

The Republicans are still circling the wagons as they attempt to derail Donald Trump. I can't remember the last time there was such disdain for a candidate within their own party. Of course, many people will say that Trump is a RINO (Republican In Name Only). Considering some of the people he's supported in the past (i.e Hillary Clinton), this claim seems legitimate. However, Trump continues to kick the GOP establishment in the nuts with his unfiltered comments.

Earlier this week, former GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, came out of the establishment-woodwork to do some Trump bashing. His fiery comments were in direct contrast of what Romney said about Trump just four years ago, Back in 2012, Romney welcomed Trump's support endorsement of his own campaign. He gushed all over Trump as he described the great businessman. Now, he describes Trump as a phony and a fraud. In my opinion, Romney shot himself in the foot with his latest comments. He comes out as looking like a bitter "has-been". Of course, it's all being spun to suggest that Romney is trying to save the Republican party from disaster. Well, Romney blew his chance at saving the party when he gave Obama a second term.

Appearing at the Washington Ideas Forum back in September, Romney said that he would support the Republican. whomever that happened to be. I wonder if he'll stick by his promise even if that person turns out to be Donald Trump?

The Republicans are walking a dangerous line right now. There is an obvious effort to undermine Trump. While a lot of conservatives are on board with it, there are plenty of others who disapprove. It's still anyone's guess who would be the best candidate to run against Hillary in the primary. The bottom line is that the RNC had better make sure that know what they're doing. Derailing Trump and ultimately giving the nomination to Cruz or Rubio creates a do-or-die scenario, in my opinion. If Hillary goes on and wins the presidency against either of these candidates, there will be a lot of backlash and second-guessing among many card-carrying Republicans.

The past two presidential elections were very winnable for the Republicans. But they failed to secure either one and gave two terms to perhaps the most liberal president in our history. As a result, if a Republican wins the White House this year, he will likely spend a good part of his first term trying to undo what Obama has already done. And if they screw this one up and don't win, it could be the end of the Republican party as we know it....


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