Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Birth Control Throwdown

So, it looks like President Obama has really kicked the hornet's nest this time. Religious groups, especially the Catholic Church, are up in arms regarding his health bill which will require employers to provide health insurance that will pay for birth control. 

Since we have no choice but to talk about politics and religion in this case, let's at least try to look at this whole thing objectively as possible......

On one side, one can make the argument that this is good thing. There are countless unwanted pregnancies each year. And many of these pregnancies ultimately end in abortion. Perhaps if the woman had access to contraceptives, there would have been no conception in the first place. Of course, another option would be to hit up the local drugstore for a pack of Trojans.

Even before this controversial healthcare bill, I often wondered why so many insurance companies refused to cover birth control. Assuming that their objective is to make money, isn't it cheaper to supply $30 worth of birth control pills each month rather than pay for a whole new human being for the next eighteen years?

The real controversy comes in when the government mandates the Catholic Church to do something that goes against it's principles. I can understand the Archdiocese having a big issue with this. After all, there is something in the Constitution about the separation of Church and State. But on the other hand, if the Church is acting as a business entity........hmmm.

It's been reported that Catholic women overwhelmingly use or have used some kind of contraceptive anyway. So, in this sense, it almost seems like a moot point. But just when you think it can't get any more complicated....

The healthcare bill would also cover 'the morning after pill".  For those who believe that life begins at conception, this pill is viewed essentially as nothing less than an abortion. And we know how the Church feels about that.

Now, I'm actually not that shocked to see Obama do something that might draw the ire of the traditional Bible thumpers. However, I am a bit surprised that he opened up a can of worms that would surely incite sharp criticism from the Catholic Church. With an estimated 74 million Catholics in America, it's certainly a risky move, especially with the election right around the corner. Will Catholic women vote against the Church's conscience and for Obama in November? After all, the bill would appear to support a woman's right to chose. 

The Republicans will surely run this healthcare controversy up the flagpole as the campaign heats up. It will be interesting to see how long or high it flies.....

Although I have my own feelings regarding all of this, I'm going to withhold them for now. The purpose of this piece was to try and hit it from all angles. Yes, it was a challenge......


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