However, shorlty after driving the Corvette, I quickly learned two things. It was noticeably faster than my Honda and it looked bad-ass!
After I brought the car home, I called an old friend who happened to be a fellow Corvette owner. I gave him the ol' "Hey, guess what I bought today" intro. And after a few brief exchanges, he started asking me questions about the tuned port injection and horsepower. I explained to him that I knew nothing about these trivial things. I bought the car because it looked bad-ass!
So, as we wrap up the conversation, he says, "Hey look, there'e one other thing you need to know. When you see someone in another Corvette, you should wave."
"Wave? Even if I don't know the other person? What's up with that?"......

Along the same lines, a buddy of mine used to own a Jeep. One day we're driving along and another Jeep with a driver who resembled Chaz Bono comes towards us. And guess what they do? Yep, Chaz and my friend wave to each other! Surprised, I said, "Jeep owners wave at each other too?"
He said, "Yeah, I know it's stupid, but it's just what we do..."
I've also seen Harley Davidson owners do the same thing. However, for whatever reason, they lower their hand in a controlled slow motion instead of quickly raising it. I guess it's a biker thing? And if you happen to be riding a Japanese bike, don't expect a wave from a Harley guy.
So, I'm wondering how far it goes. Do scooters and mopeds wave to each other as they're heading to the Dunkin' Donuts? And what about the thugs who ride dirt-bikes through the streets of Baltimore. I seriously doubt if they wave to each other. After all, taking a hand off of the handlebars could be quite dangerous while you're doing wheelies in and out of traffic on Pratt Street.
Out of sheer boredom, I decided to test the boundaries of the wave. While driving around in my Acura mid-size sedan, I waved to other Acura drivers. What I got was mostly blank stares. So, I'd point to their car and then my car several times in rapid succession as if to say, "Hey, isn't that cool, we're both driving the same car!" It was obvious that they weren't putting the connection together. After I waved to one couple, they actually talked it over for a minute, then finally returned my wave. They were probably asking each other, "Who the hell is that guy? Do we know him?" At least no one flipped me off.....
So, not really knowing what to do, my rule of thumb is....If someone waves to me, I'll wave back. Otherwise, I'm just going to reserve my hand gestures for drivers who piss me off........
He said, "Yeah, I know it's stupid, but it's just what we do..."
I've also seen Harley Davidson owners do the same thing. However, for whatever reason, they lower their hand in a controlled slow motion instead of quickly raising it. I guess it's a biker thing? And if you happen to be riding a Japanese bike, don't expect a wave from a Harley guy.
So, I'm wondering how far it goes. Do scooters and mopeds wave to each other as they're heading to the Dunkin' Donuts? And what about the thugs who ride dirt-bikes through the streets of Baltimore. I seriously doubt if they wave to each other. After all, taking a hand off of the handlebars could be quite dangerous while you're doing wheelies in and out of traffic on Pratt Street.
Out of sheer boredom, I decided to test the boundaries of the wave. While driving around in my Acura mid-size sedan, I waved to other Acura drivers. What I got was mostly blank stares. So, I'd point to their car and then my car several times in rapid succession as if to say, "Hey, isn't that cool, we're both driving the same car!" It was obvious that they weren't putting the connection together. After I waved to one couple, they actually talked it over for a minute, then finally returned my wave. They were probably asking each other, "Who the hell is that guy? Do we know him?" At least no one flipped me off.....
So, not really knowing what to do, my rule of thumb is....If someone waves to me, I'll wave back. Otherwise, I'm just going to reserve my hand gestures for drivers who piss me off........
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