Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - Ten Years After

Ten years ago today, all hell was breaking loose in America. Although the tragic events unfolded over a few hours, it felt like a lifetime. I'll bet that everyone still knows exactly where they were and what they were doing on September 11, 2001. And chances are, none of us will ever forget.....  

Even after all of these years, when I see the images of  September 11, I can still feel the raw emotions that I felt back then. Although the pictures and news clips are often tough to watch, I still watch them. I never want to forget the way things unfolded on that September morning.

In the initial days following the attacks of September 11, there was an ironic twist of beauty in the way that America became instantly united. I instantly wondered why it takes a tragedy to bring us all together.

Remembering the compassion and acts of heroism of 9/11 still makes me emotional even ten years later. The bravery of the first responders at the Twin Towers is something that I'll never forget. While the buildings were burning and on the verge of collapsing, these guys still ran in to save as many people as possible. Many of them never came back out........


A lot has happened in the past ten years as a result of the events of 9/11. We have have sent countless troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, including several friends and family members. Thousands of these brave men and women never came home. A tragic reminder that freedom isn't free. Our troops have sacrificed so much for America over the years and words can't describe the respect that I have for them. They are simply the best.

Someone recently asked me if the events of 9/11 changed me in any way. I thought that this was an very interesting question.

Basically, I think I'm the same person that I was ten years ago, but I believe that my appreciation of life and more specifically, life in America has increased dramatically. Of all of the places on this earth, I was born in America. Does it really get any better than that?

Although I've heard it countless times, I still get goosebumps every time I hear The Star Spangled Banner. And I'm still in awe of anyone wearing the uniform of the United States military. Although professional athletes often get the spotlight, don't forget who our real heroes are........

I've spoken to a few anxious parents who were in the process of sending their sons or daughters over to Iraq or Afghanistan. I know how I felt when my only son was deployed to Iraq. I worried every day while he was gone, but the pride of knowing what he was doing for our country carried me through. The message that I try to give other parents is that their son/daughter is doing an admirable thing for which our country will be eternally grateful. They are now a member of an elite group called the United States Military. And that's something to be proud of!


Today, let us remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Keep the number 2996 in mind. That's how many people never came home as a result of the attacks. Each one of these folks had a family who will likely be on a emotional roller-coaster ride today. Keep these families in your thoughts and prayers.

Let us remember how we felt as a country ten years ago. At least for a while, we had no differences. We were one big family of Americans. Do you remember that? Maybe we can try to treat each other with that respect and compassion again. For all the people who died as a result of 9/11, I think it's the least we can do.

Here's an idea......If you see someone in need, lend them a hand. If they attempt to compensate you in any way, just ask them to help someone else out in the future (aka... paying it forward). At the very least, if you see an American without a smile today, give them yours.....

Ironically, sometimes the worst times bring out the best in the human spirit. This was never more more evident than on September 11. 2001. America has always been a resilient nation. When we are united, there is nothing big, strong or evil enough to bring us down!

May God bless the families of the victims, may God bless our troops and may God bless the United States of America!


1 comment:

  1. In a word -- ELOQUENT ! you've said it all.

