Following Thursday night's Republican debate in Orlando, Herman Cain overwhelmingly won a Florida Presidency 5 straw poll. Cain came in with 37% while Rick Perry and Mitt Romney finished a distant second and third with 15% and 14% of the vote. Time will tell whether this will kick things into high gear for Cain, it does indeed present and interesting scenario.
First off, let's examine Herman Cain's background. He came from humble beginnings, but he was determined to become successful. He graduated from Morehouse College with a Bachelors degree in mathematics. Cain earned a Master's degree in computer science from Purdue University while he was working in ballistics for the Department of the Navy. Pretty impressive so far, huh?
Cain then went to work as a business analyst for Coca-Cola. He eventually went to work for Pillsbury where he rose to the position of Vice-President. He left his executive position to manage 400 Burger King (a Pillsbury subsidiary at the time) restaurants in the Philadelphia area. After tremendous success, Pillsbury appointed Cain CEO of Godfather's Pizza (another Pillsbury subsidiary). In 1988, Cain and a group of investors bought Godfather's Pizza from Pillsbury. The guy seems to know what he's doing.
There are plenty more impressive accomplishments from Herman Cain. But I want to get to my point........
Just imagine for a second that Herman Cain wins the Republican nomination. This would set up an interesting showdown in November 2012. Having Herman Cain running directly against Barrack Obama would drive the liberals absolutely nuts. Think about it. How will they be able to call conservatives racist when they're voting for a black man? And better yet, how will they deal with those "evil racist Tea Baggers"? After all, Cain has addressed over 40 Tea Party rallies. I'm really starting to like the sound of this!
Herman Cain has got to drive the liberals crazy. He's a self-made man, He's rich, he's successful, he's a man of faith (Cain is an associate Baptist minster), he's a commentator on that evil Fox News network, he opposes Obamacare and last but certainly not least, he's conservative! And the added bonus is that they can't throw their beloved race card at him. He's black!
Hmmm, if Herman Cain should become President, do you think the liberals will criticize him? And if they do, is it because they're racist? Can there possibly be any other explanation? Isn't that what libs cry any time conservatives criticize President Obama?
I just read an article where leftwing numbskull Janeane Garofalo has her own explanation for Herman Cain's purpose in the Republican race:
"I believe that Herman Cain is in this race to deflect the racism that is inherent in the Republican Party. I feel like Herman Cain is being paid to be involved and to run for President so that you go, "Oh, they can't be racist. It's a black guy'...."
(For the whole story, go to....http://dailycaller.com/2011/08/18/garofalo-herman-cain-a-paid-prop-to-deflect-charges-of-gop-racism/)
Can you believe this crap? Is this woman serious or is she really just that stupid? Or perhaps Garofalo is the real racist hiding behind the guise of a liberal nutcase. It sounds to me like she insinuating that a black man isn't capable of thinking for himself. This woman's ignorance is frightening.
Yes, things are indeed heating up. Stay tuned for more fun.........
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