I've been following President Obama's latest campaign to push his latest stimulus package (aka...The American Jobs Act). This one will come will a bargain basement price of only a half trillion dollars. I don't get it. After spending $787 billion in the American Recovery And Reinvestment Act of 2009, are we really any better? Countless people are still unemployed, the housing market still sucks and the price of gas is still close to $4 a gallon in many places.
Obama also mentioned the need to fix our highways and bridges. Did I miss something here? Isn't this what the last stimulus was for? Where did all of the that money go?
Of course, now there's the current brewing controversy surrounding the solar panel company, Solyndra. The company was on the fast track the bankruptcy and Obama and crew thought it might be a good idea to throw them a $535 federal loan. Of course, now the company has officially filed for bankruptcy, leaving the American tax payer on the hook for the half billion dollar loan. How's that hope and change working out for everybody?
So, how would I have handled it, you ask. Well, it's always easier to Monday morning quarterback but here's what I would have done with the $787 billion. First, I would have kick-offed my plan with the campaign slogan "Yes, We Ken!" To help sell it, I'd probably put up a few subtle billboards along I-95 with a picture of me playing lawn darts with George Washington. Maybe I'd even get some bumper stickers that would read "Hope This Works!"
Then, I would simply give the $787 billion to the Americans citizens......
Yes, that's right. According to the 2010 census, there's roughly 308,000 people (that we know of) in the United States. If you divide that number into the dollar amount of Obama's last stimulus package, it comes out to roughly 2.5 million dollars per person! (Sorry, if you're here illegally, you do not get to pass go and collect the $2.5 million.)
So, I've just made everyone in America fat, rich and happy! The housing market would boom as countless people would run out to buy homes. The auto industry would be rescued as people rushed out to buy new cars. The retail industry would flourish as parents would head to out buy their spoiled kids even more extravagant electronics. The restaurant industry would boom because who wants to cook when you're a millionaire? Even the banking industry would likely see some stability as people would have money to invest once again. Everyone in America would be doing the Happy Dance!
What about the jobs, you ask. Think about it. Do you really need a job? I just gave you two and half million dollars. Meet me at the bar and let's celebrate!
Of course, nothing is free. This money would have to be borrowed from our buddies in China. But what's another trillion dollars? We still owe the Chinese from the last stimulus and got nothing in return for it. At least with my plan, everyone becomes an instant millionaire! And no need to worry because we'll all be dead when the time comes to pay it back!
Will this frivolous spending have a negative effect on the future of our country? My magic 8-ball points to yes. But is it really that much different than the irresponsible spending the government has been doing lately?
Hi Ken-
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