Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Rev Is Comin' To Town

I’m always reluctant on writing about things that deal with race issues. My feelings are that anything I say as a white man can only come back and haunt me later. But when I woke up and looked at the front page of the MD Gazette this morning, I couldn’t wait to start venting. You see, I learned that Reverend Jeremiah Wright was coming to my neighborhood next month to speak at a NAACP banquet. I immediately turned red and my blood began to boil.

Just to eliminate any confusion on how I really feel, let me start off by saying that Reverend Wright is a racist asshole. I have no respect for the man. He hates white people and he seems to be ashamed of his country. I never understood people like Wright. If he hates this country so much, there’s a simple solution: GET THE F*CK OUT!

Wright has said many controversial things over the years. Many of his racially divisive sermons were given while our President sat quietly in the pews. This gives me enough reason to believe that the President and First Lady are racists themselves. Why else would they sit there and listen to Wright’s bullshit for twenty years? And didn’t Michele Obama only recently become proud of her country?

Unless you’re black, Reverend Wright seems to have a problem with you. Of course, the double standard on racism in this country protects him from being called a racist. Wright believes in black liberation theology. Because, you see, Christianity is the “white man’s religion”. Of course, it pisses white people off to hear his comments. But there’s nothing that can be done about it. He’s protected simply by the color of his skin.

So, here he comes. From the hate filled pits of his church in Chicago to the small town of Glen Burnie, Maryland. The NAACP is having a Freedom Fund Banquet at Le Fountaine Bleu to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the organization. (By the way, isn’t the NAACP a racist organization by definition? Could there be a National Association for the Advancement of White People? Of course not! That would be considered racist.)

So here’s my take on race in this country. I had nothing to do with slavery. My family wasn’t even in this country until after the Civil War. So, don’t blame me for what happened 200 years ago! Yes, there were wrongs committed by this country against blacks. But there have also been amendments and policies put in place to even things out. Can't we all just move on? Living in the past isn't doing anyone any good! If you aren't where you want to be in life quit blaming everyone else and take some responsibility for yourself. Frankly, the bullshit is getting really old.

I think Martin Luther King made a great point in stressing that we should judge a man by the content of his character. So, when I call a black man like Reverend Wright an incendiary asshole, it doesn’t make me a racist. I’m simply making an honest decision based on what I believe his character to be. And I believe Reverend Wright to be a piece of dog shit.

So why would a place like Le Fountaine Bleu in Glen Burnie allow a hate monger like Rev. Wright speak at their facility. Quite simply, they’re afraid to turn him down. Because, if they put up any sign of opposition, they would immediately be called racists. Assholes like Jesse Jackson would be organizing boycotts against their business. So, they would rather just go against their principles, ironically, to avoid a controversy. When will this nonsense end?

It’s a sad day in Glen Burnie…..



  1. Le Fountaine Blue is now & forever on my shitt list.I feel a major protest coming on, but considering the ratio of black to white in the eastern United States, this would be a real hard thing to do, even though they can do & get away with most anything they want. Talk about racial inequality????????

  2. I agree.. there should be some type of protest. if there was someone who was white who was as racially derisive as White you know there would be protests about it. Ken makes a good point if this was turned around, the race baiters would be out in full force with protests, boycotts, etc. In the end nobody would touch it if it were the other way around because they would be afraid to lose business over it.

    My grandparents also came to this country after slavery. If you look at history most of the world was enslaved at one time. The Aztecs, anciet Greece, Rome, Spain, Angola, Britain, Ireland, British Virgin Islands, Brazil, Canada, India · Iran, Japan, Libya, have all had slaves. As recently as 1930 Ethiopia had 2 million slaves. We got rid of slavery in 1865. You don't EVER hear about the slavery in AFRICA still going on 65 years after we got rid of it.

  3. Why can't they get someone to speak at this event that is more positive. Did they even try to get the best brain surgeon in the country Dr. Ben Carson (who just happens to be black and lives in the area) or was he busy that night? Not only did Obama sit there for 20 years and agree with his hate filled message but Rev. Wright also married the Obamas and Christened their children.
