Friday, October 30, 2009

The Sensitivity Of Halloween

When did we become such an oversensitive country? No matter what the occasion, there will always be some asshole complaining about being offended. Halloween is no exception. I’d like to address a few recent incidents (in my own charming way, of course!).

The first one involved Halloween decorations in the city of Frederick, MD. Among the decorations in a local park, there were three dummies hanging high in the trees. It’s all in good fun right? After all, THEY’RE FREGGIN’ DUMMIES! But the NAACP didn’t see it that way (big surprise, huh?). The Frederick chapter of the racist organization says that it evoked images of lynchings. Give me a break, you asshole! It’s a Halloween decoration! And if it makes you feel any better, the heads of the dummies were WHITE!

Doesn’t the NAACP have anything better to do? Do they drive around town trying to determine what could possibly be conceived as racist? I guess they feel like they have to justify their existence by drumming up bullshit like this. Not that it matters, but I’ve seen enough Clint Eastwood westerns to know that there were plenty of white people hung too!

Last week, there was some controversy over a space creature costume being sold at Target and other retailers. The costume was a space creature with the words “Illegal Alien” printed across the front. Personally, I think it’s funny as hell. Since we’re not going to throw your ass in jail, we should at least be able to have a few laughs at your expense. But of course the PC police don’t see it that way. They say we’re being “insensitive”. I say they’re being insensitive to us when they ignore our laws and sneak into our country illegally!

I’ve also heard that there was a controversy involving a haunted trail of some sort (I think it was in New Jersey, but I’m not sure). Apparently, part of the set up involved actors posing as escapees from an insane asylum. It didn’t take long for more PC nut-jobs to come out and say that this was “insensitive” to the people with mental disorders. Maybe. But crazy people are still scary as hell! Does anyone remember Billy Bob Thorton in Slingblade?

And even the Vatican has chimed in with its two cents on the October tradition. It says that Halloween is “anti-Christian”. Well, so is the molestation of young boys by pedophile priests. But you didn’t seem to be too vocal about that for several decades!

It’s hard to imagine what’s going to be next. Maybe carving pumpkins will be banned. After all, we’re using a sharp weapon to disfigure a perfectly innocent pumpkin. Perhaps treat or treating should be outlawed. After all, isn’t it similar to panhandling? Maybe we should stop watching scary movies. Because there are people with weak hearts who might find it hazardous to their health.

People really need to get a life and stop being so overly sensitive. The politically correct crowd in this country should either grow some balls or move to France!

By the way, if anyone wants to push the envelope with a risky costume tomorrow, feel free to drop by my house. I 'll drop an extra Snickers bar in your bucket for your efforts!


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