Friday, October 2, 2009

Hollywood Loves Roman

Leave it to the left to defend the indefensible. To them, for every bad thing, there’s a good excuse. So, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the libs are rushing to the corner of admitted child rapist, Roman Polanski. Like non-alcoholic beer, I’ll never figure them out….

So after being a fugitive for over thirty years, Polanski was finally arrested in Switzerland last week. It’s still up in the air whether or not he’ll be extradited to the US. But if he is, expect the protests from the Hollywood types.

Already this week, intellectual giant Whoopi Goldberg has claimed that what Polanski did wasn’t “rape rape”. What the hell does that supposed to mean? Let me break it down, you silly bitch. When someone forces another person to have sex against their will, it’s called rape. When an adult male has sex with an underage girl it’s called statutory rape. When a 44 year old man drugs a thirteen year old girl and has sex with her, it’s called a sick bastard raping a child! So yes, it is rape rape, you extremely unattractive bonehead!

And speaking of unattractive boneheads, check this out. Woody Allen is coming to Polanski’s defense. Can you believe this bullshit? This is actually funny! Here’s the same guy who married his f*cking stepdaughter! Are you kidding me? I wonder if Woody and Roman hang out at the Toys R’ Us together?

The argument is that Roman's crime happened a long time ago. Plus, they say, the victim has moved on with her life and has forgiven Polanski. I might have bought some of the bullshit if Polanksi had stayed in the US and faced the music. But instead, he fled to France (that’s reason enough the hate him!) and continued to live the good life for over thirty years. Hollywood even felt the need to award him with an Oscar a couple of years ago. I can’t say that I was surprised.

How can anyone possibly defend this guy? He gave alcohol and drugs to a thirteen year old girl before he RAPED and SODOMIZED her! You don’t defend a guy like this! You crack his f*cking skull with a pipe wrench! At the very least, you throw his ass in jail so it can be on the recieving end!


1 comment:

  1. Once again, I could not agree more Ken.
    It still amazes me, a little power, a little money a little fame & the laws of man & the laws of morality are not supposed to apply to these ass holes.And youe pipe wrench comment, not strong enough for me. Put the bastards in a old wooden work shed, clamp there peter in a vise & weld it shut, then set the shed on fire & hand them a knife.. Take care & once again, Bravo!!! Larry
