Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rush & The Rams

Rush Limbaugh is at the center of another controversy. That shouldn’t be too surprising. After all, Limbaugh has been pissing off liberals for years. They’ve tried to attack him any way they could, but Limbaugh not only survived, he got stronger.

So, when Rush announced that he had joined a bidding group for the NFL’s St, Louis Rams, it didn’t surprise me that the usual suspects would be gunning for him. Liberals have accused Limbaugh of being a racist. (Wow, where have we heard this one before?). Not surprising, many blacks have jumped on the race train as well.

Most of these accusations stem from 2003 when Limbaugh made a controversial comment about Philadelphia Eagle’s Quarterback Donovan McNabb. Basically, he said that McNabb was overrated by the media because they wanted to see a black quarterback succeed. What’s the big deal? Call it racist if you want but I don’t see it that way. Even if you do find it offensive, isn’t this still America? And don’t we still have the right to express our opinions?

Some black players have said that they would not play for a team that Limbaugh owned. I think this is bullshit! You put millions of dollars in front anyone, and their principles are instantly compromised. And if they want to stick by their guns and boycott a Limbaugh owned team, let them. There will be a line of other players willing to take their spot!

Of course, you can’t complete any race hustle without the two Mack Daddies of race baiting, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. I doubt that anyone take these two assholes seriously anymore. But nonetheless, they refuse crawl back into the woodwork.

Sharpton has written a letter to the NFL Commissioner stating that Rush Limbaugh is too “devisive” and “anti-NFL”. Are you f*cking kidding me? Divisive? Here’s a guy that made a career out of dividing the races! But in typical liberal fashion, it’s all fair game until something doesn’t go his way.

And Jesse Jackson. What can you say about this clown? He’s like an annoying cartoon character. During a recent telephone interview, Jackson said that Limbaugh got rich by "appealing to the fears of whites" with an unending line of insults against blacks and other minorities. What a crock of horseshit! If this isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, I don’t know what is! Jackson has made a living of race hustling. He’s done far more harm than good to race relations in this country. The last thing Super Jesse wants is racial harmony. It would put him out of a job!

The most ironic part of all of this is that there are black ownership groups also interested in buying the Rams. Since we're on the subject of race baiting, would it be possible to allow a "white" ownership group to join the bidding? I think we know the answer to that one.

Personally, I don’t care if Rush Limbaugh buys an NFL team or not. But his political views shouldn’t be a factor in deciding whether he’s given an opportunity to do so. So, to all of the typical hypocritical race baiters, please do me a favor and SHUT THE F*CK UP!



1 comment:

  1. Another home run Ken,
    I agree 100 % that Al & Jesse are indeed racist of the worst possible variety, that being the chicken shit, hide behind a cause, check my overseas account every second variety. These guys just need to disappear. Keep up the good work Ken, we look forward to more very soon. Larry
