Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nancy's A Happy Girl

This morning I woke to the sight of Nancy Pelosi’s gleaming face on the front news page. I know by now that if Queen Nancy is smiling, it can’t be good. Sure enough, I soon find out that the House of Representatives passed the Healthcare Reform Bill 220-215 last night. By five votes!

I’m still amazed that this type of thing is happening in America. I believe that most Americans want a limited government. So, how is it possible to hand over something as important our healthcare to a government that has a history of f*cking up everything it touches?

Think about it, Social Security is on life support while Medicare is virtually dead. And now we’re supposed to believe that the same government that ran these two programs into the ground will not do the same with healthcare? Please stop pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining!

Speaking of Medicare, part of the Healthcare Bill includes that $400 billion be slashed from the Medicare budget over the next decade. Not really surprising to me since part of the original Bill included “end of life counseling”. In other words, when people get old and become a burden, just let them die. How do groups like the AARP get behind something like this?

As we likely prepare to put tens of millions of newly insured Americans into the system, I have to seriously wonder how it’s possible. After all, the number of medical providers will remain the same. So, how can they possibly accommodate the inevitable flood of new patients? The first and most logical thing that comes to my mind is that they’ll have to ration healthcare. Hey, if you break your leg, just wait patiently and we’ll have someone look at it in a few weeks. After all, it’s not life threatening, is it?

With an estimated price tag of $1.2 trillion, the money has to come from somewhere. So start digging deep into your pockets America. Because when the bill comes due, YOU are the one that will be forced to pay.

This morning there’s little doubt that Queen Nancy and her House Democrats are happy as Bill Clinton in a cheerleader’s locker room. But I really hope that they believe in the Healthcare Bill enough to risk their jobs. Because they may have f*cked us this time, but come the next election, they may be the ones who are going to have to bend over!


1 comment:

  1. I know Ken. Every time I look at that loony bitch's face I want to vomit. She's so f'in out of touch with America it amazes me how she can keep getting elected. Let's see Department of Energy was started in 1977 to reduce and possibly eliminate America's dependence on foreighn oil. It was a knee jerk reaction to the oil embargos, gas rationing, and gas lines of the 70's. Now 32 years later with a budget of 30 billion and 100000 people working for or with them, are we any closer to the original goal? We don't drill here, we don't have any new refineries, we don't promote nuclear energy, we're just starting to develop wind energy and other alternate fuels. Shouldn't this have happened long ago? In 1991 I had a Honda CRX that got 60 plus MPG. Is there any car out there now that's even close? Shouldn't we have cars now that get 80 or 90 mpg? What do you think will happen with health care? A huge government bureaucracy that wastes vast amounts of money and does nothing.

    I don't know know if anyone knows this but Britian's health care system, the NHS, is the WORLD'S largest health care provider and the world's fourth largest employer. How long do you think it will take America to replace them as #1 in both? Everyone is worried about the insurance companies making 10 billion but nobody is batting an eye at the ONE TRILLION price tag of this. OK for the sake of arguement let's say everybody is entitled to health care. Expand Medicaid/Medicare to cover them. Fix the few things that are wrong with the current system. Make it portable, make it available to everyone even with pre-existing conditions, be able to shop around to make companies competitive, remove lifetime caps, and a few others. Here is the GOP bill..

    and a summary..

    GOP Plan - 230 pages
    Democratic Plan - 1990 pages.
    Magna Carta - 1 page.
    Bill of Rights - 1 page
    Declaration of Independence - 1 big page
    U.S. Constitution - 4 pages
    Articles of Confederation - 4 pages
    Gettysburg Address - 3 paragraphs
    Emancipation Proclamation - 5 pages

    My insurance plan sends me a little booklet every year thats about 40 pages describing my plan. Whats so different about the Democratic Plan that needs 1950 more page to describe it? Why aren't the f'in treehuggers outraged over this total waste of trees? I guess its O.K. when people of your ilk do the wasting. Oh wait.. we can use it to burn. What I'm even more amazed at are the people who are saying/writing in articles/blogs/forums that they aren't a huge fan of this bill but its a starting point. Do they really think once this thing gets rolling, anybody will be able to change it? Why can't we get legislation that people like? Isn't that what we elected these people for?

    I just saw a clip of the fat, sloppy, a$$hole, Michael Moore and he actually said 'this is something that should be a human right. The right to see a doctor when you get sick and not worry about paying for it.' Man.. I want to eat. Is eating a human right? If so, I'll just stroll on down to Ruth Chris, get a steak and not pay for it. What planet is this guy on? Hey fat ass, how about if I had a lobotomy and actually wanted to see one of your f'ed up movies. Can I get in for free? I hate to say it but you do actually make money on the trash you film. You're a f'in hypocrite, you piece of $hit.
